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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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I tried not to whimper. If he was in a foul mood already, the day was going to be hell. I straightened my shoulders and tucked my shawl close. “Already had two cups. I’m good.” Then I knocked on the door, waiting until I heard Jaxson’s terse “In.”

I swallowed and opened the door, wondering what my fate would be.


I heard Gracie’s voice outside my door, and I steeled myself to remain impassive. I was determined to go forward and keep things professional. I would apologize properly for yesterday, and hopefully, we would move past the day. Past the last week, even. I didn’t want to lose her as an articling student. She was smart and clever, often adding insight when discussing a case that others would have missed. She obviously studied hard and was a good student. She was eager to learn, soaking up everything I showed her, her questions intelligent and her work ethic strong. She would be an asset to any firm. Over our dinner together, I had been surprised to discover her relationship with the BAM Corporation and her plans to join them, then the newer branch of the company. They would be lucky to have her. It also explained her advanced thinking. She’d had hands-on experience few other law students would have access to, and she’d made the most of it. My admiration of her grew the more I got to know her.

“In,” I called, ready to face her and stop this craziness. She was my articling student; I was her boss. Simple. I could do this.

Except, she stepped inside my office, and all I could see was her. Her long, beautiful hair cascading over her shoulders. A pretty blouse in blue setting off her coloring. A shawl draped around her shoulders that looked soft and made her sexy in an artless way. And her gaze.

My eyes had often been described as ice-blue and as cold as winter. Gracie’s eyes were warm and wide, the blue irises so vivid, they reminded me of the ocean on a clear, sun-filled day. Inviting and fluid. I wanted to drown in them.

For a moment, our eyes held. I noticed she looked tired, and I frowned, inclining my head and studying her. I disliked seeing her tired, especially given the fact that I was certain I was to blame for her lack of rest.

Soft color diffused her cheeks, and she shut the door, sitting across from me. “Mr. Richards,” she began.

I held up my hand. “Jaxson. I’m still Jaxson. And you’re Grace. All right?”

Her tense posture relaxed. “I would like to apologize.”

Again, I stopped her. “Grace, can we move forward? Yesterday was a shitshow of epic proportions. I overstepped, you spoke your mind. We both regret it. Can we leave it at that?”

“I was rude.”

“And so was I. In fact—”

A knock on the door interrupted us, and Michael stuck his head in. “Sorry. Sabrina Wells insists on me interrupting you. She needs to speak to you right away.”

I tamped down my impatience. “Give me one minute.”

Sabrina Wells was another lawyer in the office. She was nothing short of a raging bitch, and I steered clear of her as much as possible. She was demanding, impatient, and tiresome to deal with. I often wondered if handling ugly divorces all the time had made her that way, or if it was simply her natural inclination. Unfortunately, I was unable to avoid dealing with her all the time. She was a known troublemaker and liked to throw her weight around whenever she could. I suspected the main reason she was kept on was her incredibly high billings.

I looked at Grace. “We can finish this later. I have meetings most of the day.”

She stood, looking anxious.

“Take the day and use the library. Study for the bar. I’ve kept you so busy, you haven’t used your allotted time.”

“I’ve been studying in the evening.”

The words were out before I could stop them. “Your boyfriend doesn’t object to all the hours you spend on your studies?”

A rueful smile crossed her lips. “No boyfriend to worry about.”

“Ah,” I mumbled, feeling an odd sense of relief at her words and still wondering why I asked. “All right. I’ll deal with Sabrina, and you have a good day. We’ll talk again later.”

She nodded and walked out, barely clearing the doorway when Sabrina strode in, shutting the door so fast, I was sure Grace felt the rush of the action. I lifted an eyebrow, studying Sabrina.

Her hair was blond, slicked back into an elegant knot at the nape of her neck. Her suit was no doubt designer, her heels high, and her makeup expertly applied. She was attractive, deadly, and cold. She wore a permanent scowl on her face I was sure some men found inviting, perhaps challenging. I did not.


I cocked my head. “Sabrina. What is so urgent you need to interrupt my meeting with my articling student?”

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