My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 29

“Do I get more coffee?”

“Gracie, my darling, you can have just about anything you want.” He winked. “Even my coffee.”

Happily, I followed him to the sofa.

We spent a few hours at his apartment. I drank more of his delicious coffee, he packed a small bag, and we headed back to my place. He didn’t even wait until the elevator door opened, instead kissing me in the hall, wrapping his arm around my waist, and lifting me into the elevator effortlessly. His mouth never left mine until we were back in the parking garage.

“What if someone else got on the elevator?” I asked weakly.

He looked at me askance. “I can’t kiss them too, Gracie. One at a time.”

I laughed at his silliness and hugged his arm as we headed to the car.

“I would keep kissing you. I don’t care.”

I liked his response more than I should.

We dropped his bag at my place, and he informed me we needed to go shopping. I laughed as he pulled me into his favorite coffee place, insisting on purchasing a French press and some of his beloved beans.

“I need one at your place,” he insisted. “You have to admit, it’s far superior.”

“It takes longer.”

He kissed the end of my nose. “Good things are worth waiting for.” He smiled and added quietly, “You certainly were.”

My heart sang at his words.

Monday morning, I was anxious as I arrived at the office. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew Jaxson and I had agreed to keep our relationship under wraps, but how would he act? How would I react to him? The weekend had been almost magical. We shopped and had lunch at a little place he loved that served wood-fired pizzas. It was small and tucked off the beaten path, so we weren’t worried about being seen. He was surprisingly affectionate, given the cool demeanor he showed the world. He held my hand, kissed my cheek, often tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. The time passed too quickly. We watched movies, took walks, ate takeout. I cooked him breakfast. I baked cookies, which he loved.

“These are awesome. Foster care rarely includes homemade cookies,” he confessed. “I was always jealous when I heard other kids talk about them. I was lucky to get a packaged one once in a while.”

I wondered if he knew he had let something slip out about his past and the fact that he’d been in foster care. I wanted to ask him questions, but I knew him well enough already to know he would tell me when he was ready and I shouldn’t push. I swore, though, that I would bake him cookies frequently.

We made love. Often. In the shower, in my bed, on the sofa. In the kitchen. On the floor of the kitchen.

One of the things he had picked up when we were shopping was a box of condoms.

“Your cousin only got average. Not a good fit.” He leered at me with a grin. I tried not to laugh, but I failed. I couldn’t argue. He was far more than average.

I paused outside the office door and rolled my shoulders. Jaxson had left last night, kissing me long and hard before he did. I had hoped he would call or text, but I hadn’t heard from him. I wasn’t sure what that meant after the weekend we’d spent together, but I tried not to make too much of it. He was no doubt busy getting ready for the week ahead.

I entered the office. Jaxson was leaning on Michael’s desk, his tablet in hand. They were going through his schedule, the same way they did every Monday morning. Michael smiled widely at me.

“Hey, Grace! How was your weekend?” That was his standard greeting.

Jaxson looked at me, his expression neutral. His voice was cool. “Grace. Good morning.”

There was nothing unusual. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet I felt flushed. Nervous. Anxious.

Longing for his touch.

I forced a smile, hoping I looked casual. “Jaxson.” I directed my gaze at Michael. “Same old, same old. How about you?”

“You know me. Living the high life. All glamour and sparkle.”

I winked at him, his mood infectious. I knew he’d spent his weekend at home with his longtime husband, Larry, and their darling two-year-old daughter. He doted on them both.

“Abby keeping you on your toes?”

He grinned. “Big-time. She got into a package of glitter Larry had hidden, and let’s just say—”

“Can we save the personal chatter for breaks?” Jaxson snarled. “I have a busy week.”

Michael wasn’t at all put out. “You don’t give us breaks.”


Michael handed him a sheet of paper. “Here it is—all printed out the way you like. I updated your phone and computer. Try to stick to it this time.”

Jaxson grabbed the paper, looking it over. I headed to my desk, trying not to notice the fact that all I could smell was him as I went by. Delicious, masculine, and sexy. I could feel the heat of his body as I edged past him, rolling my eyes behind his back in Michael’s direction.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024