My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 30

Grumpy-ass man.

“Give Grace a copy.” Jaxson turned to me. “I need research on some of this.”

“Of course.”

“I want you at the meetings too. I need your assistance. I have some motions I want filed, and there is a stack of paperwork on my desk you can take care of.”


He strode into his office, shutting the door. I tried not to be hurt. I knew we had to stay hidden. I was aware he couldn’t show anything but professionalism around me. I had told myself all that, yet it still rankled a little. A smile wouldn’t have hurt.

Unless, maybe the weekend hadn’t meant as much to him as it had to me? Worry niggled at me. I knew his reputation. Lots of women. Brief relationships.

I took the paper Michael brought over. He shook his head. “He’s in a mood today.”

“So it would seem.”

“Ignore him. I do. He’ll smooth out.”

I couldn’t help but ask, “It doesn’t bother you? The yelling or the rudeness?”

He shrugged. “I learned not to let it. I figured out it wasn’t about me. It has everything to do with him. I do my job.” He patted my shoulder. “He’s a complicated man, Grace. But he’s not a bad one. Ignore it and do your job.”

I nodded and switched on my laptop. Ignoring it and doing my job had been easier last week when all Jaxson Richards had been was my boss. It was hard not to take his mood personally when my mind was wondering if I was the cause for it.

And for the first time since we had crossed that line, I felt the pang of regret.

Chapter 10


Jaxson’s office felt as if it had a revolving door all day. People were in and out, and our interactions were brief and professional. I worked on the files he gave me, read through the contracts, and went to the courthouse to file the necessary documents. I arrived back at the office, encountering Michael heading out the front door.

“Where are you off to?”

He held up a manila envelope. “Jaxson wants these hand-delivered today.”

“I can take them.”

“No, the office is about two blocks from my place, so I’m taking them and not coming back. I forwarded the phone to the main reception. They’ll handle it the rest of the day. His Majesty okayed it.”

“Is he still in a mood?”

“Actually, I think he’s calmed down. He went out for a little while and seemed better when he got back. I think he snuck in a treat. I swear the sugar helps him.”

I chuckled. He always did seem better when he ate something—especially something sweet.

“Okay. I’ll head up and finish the day.”

I entered the office, feeling apprehensive. Jaxson’s door was open, and he was on the phone. I sat down, noting another pile of work had appeared. One thing was for sure—I was never bored. I glanced up, surprised to see Jaxson’s gaze fixed on me. Our eyes locked across the room, and I felt my chest constrict. His gaze was pure heat. A banked fire that lit one within me. Memories of his mouth, his hands, his body on mine, filled my head. Longing swept through me. It took everything in me to break the powerful connection and look down. My hands shook as I opened the top file, staring at it blindly. The power Jaxson had over me to reduce me to this quivering mass of need frightened me. Then I heard it. His voice calling one word.


I looked up. No longer on the phone, he was leaning on his desk, watching me. Once again, I felt the pull of his gaze.

“In my office,” he stated, then paused. “And shut the door. Please.”

I stood and crossed the floor, the pull getting stronger the closer I got to him. I stopped a foot away.

“You needed something?” I asked, hating the underlying tremor in my voice.

“Yes, I do.” There was a beat of silence. “I need you.”

He reached out and hauled me to his chest. His mouth covered mine before I could stop it. Except I didn’t want to stop it. I grasped the back of his neck, kissing him back furiously. Our tongues tangled and dueled. Our lips were pressed together so tightly I thought we’d draw blood. He held me so close I could barely breathe. Anyone could walk in and see us. I didn’t care. I needed his mouth on mine more than I needed anything else. This articling position. My next breath. He broke away, ghosting his lips down my neck, pushing away the collar of my shirt with his nose and nipping at the skin he uncovered.

I gasped as he licked the skin, soothing the burn. “Jaxson,” I murmured. “The office.”

“I can lock the door from my computer.” He paused. “You can open the door anytime though, Gracie. You’re free to go. But we’re safe.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024