My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 36

The unknown responses frightened me too much to risk it, risk us, just yet.

With a sigh, I stood and headed to my bedroom. I had a feeling without Jaxson beside me, sleep would be elusive.

Chapter 12


Friday afternoon around four, Jaxson strode from his office, tugging on his overcoat. The thick material clung to him, showing off his broad shoulders and wide chest. The heavy fabric hung past his knees. I loved how it suited him, the dark navy color looking good against his skin and hair.

“Michael, I’m out. I have a meeting.”

“There’s nothing in your calendar.”

“It came up earlier. I forgot to jot it in. It’s personal.” He lifted his hand in a quick wave. “Both of you can leave early. Have a good weekend.”

He left, shutting the door behind him, the scent of his cologne remaining behind.

Michael snorted. “Well, that dry spell is over.”

“I beg your pardon?”

He busied himself, shutting down his computer, tidying his desk. “Personal means he’s off with someone. Which means he’s found a new lover.”

My stomach clenched at those words, which was irrational. The lover was me. Michael didn’t know that, though, and he didn’t know I wasn’t new. But I was curious.

“What makes you think he was in a dry spell?”

He frowned as he tugged on his coat. “He’s been different. Restless. Edgy. The way he always gets when he’s between, ah, company. It’s been getting worse.”

“Really? I thought he was that way all the time.”

He laughed, switching off his light. “Well, there is that, but he’s been different.” He stopped in front of my desk. “I’ve worked for him longer, so I probably know him a little better.”

I had to hide my smile. “You’re right.”

He grinned. “Girl, he told us to head home. What are you doing still sitting there? Let the weekend commence!” His eyes danced. “You got big plans?”

I had no idea what made me say it. “Just spending some time with my boyfriend.”

“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”

“I’ve only been seeing him a few weeks,” I hedged. “It’s been casual.”

“Ooh, and now it’s not?”

I shrugged. “Maybe.”

He huffed a sigh. “Thank god I’m past that. Dating is too hard. Larry and I are gonna take Abby for her first swimming lesson, and we have his mother coming for dinner on Sunday. Talk about a nightmare. The one thing she approves of is Abby.”

I had to laugh. Michael loved sharing his scary mother-in-law stories, although I had a feeling he secretly adored her. “You have fun.”

“Oh, I will. You too. You can tell me all about it next week. I’ll live vicariously through you.”

“I doubt there’ll be much to tell. We’re both pretty laid-back.”

“Damn. You and Jaxson are both too tight-lipped about your personal lives. I never have any fun.” He winked. “Although I bet that man is the opposite. Anything but laid-back, if you catch my drift.”

“Um, that’s our boss,” I mumbled, feeling heat flush my cheeks. Jaxson was definitively not laid-back when it came to sex.

Michael’s laughter followed him out the door. I slowly tidied up my area, finishing the last few notes on the file I was working on. Jaxson was right—it was an unholy mess. Every time I thought I was making an inroad, another mystery popped up. How it had gotten to this state, I had no idea.

I stood and switched off the light, tugging on my coat. I was going to walk to the hotel and text Jaxson once I arrived. He would meet me down in the lobby and ride up with me in the elevator. I had to admit, I wondered if the fluttering in my stomach was as much nerves at the thought of the elevator as they were the thought of spending the weekend with Jaxson. I planned on telling him how I was feeling. How much I loved him. I hoped that he would realize I meant it and would feel safe enough to talk to me about his life. That we could figure out how to navigate our future. Because I knew, without a doubt, I wanted him there with me. Forever.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I hurried toward the hotel. I smiled as I answered my sister’s call, using her old nickname.

“Hey, Hedda.”

She laughed. “Hey, big sis. What are you up to?”

“Um, meeting a friend for drinks,” I fibbed smoothly, hating the fact that I would lie to my sister, but knowing it was necessary.

“I won’t keep you long. I have no idea what to get Addi and Bray for a wedding gift. Reed is useless with ideas.”

“Hey!” he shouted in the background. “I make up for it with bedroom ideas, babe.”

I had to laugh. Reed was always cracking jokes, making me laugh. I was certain all the time he spent with Aiden as a kid influenced his odd sense of humor. Heather adored him beyond reason, and they made a great couple.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024