My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 55

Heather groaned. “I got Thomas. I have no idea at all. Maybe a stuffed dolphin?”

“He’s a marine biologist—or will be. Not six. Why don’t you do a meal delivery service for him? I know Emmy always worries he doesn’t eat right. He’s too busy studying and working.”

Her expression brightened. “That’s a good idea, sis. Thanks!”

“You’re welcome.”

I pushed my plate away. “I am stuffed.”

Heather finished off her sandwich and all her salad. Not only did she have my dad’s lean build, she inherited his appetite as well. She wiped her mouth and regarded me.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Gracie? You say you’re not sad, but you seem…distracted.”

“I’m fine. There’s a case that is mind-boggling. And the key is there, but we can’t get to it. I have no idea how to figure it out.”

“Maybe you need to come at it from a different angle.”

“If I could figure one out, I would. But other than that weighing on my mind, everything is good,” I lied.

She squeezed my hand. “Okay. I hear you. But if you need anything—to talk, to vent, anything, I’m here.”

I fought back the tears her heartfelt words elicited. I wished I could talk—tell her everything. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell anyone. Not yet.

I squeezed her back. “I know.”

The next while was a daily lesson in torture. I did my job, worked hard, and kept my head down. Jaxson kept his door shut a lot. There were no more notes with lessons, no interactions unless it was to do with the office. Midweek, he stormed from his office when Helen Fraser once again shut him down, calling him all sorts of names. He threatened to take to her to court and force her to disclose the information she had, and she laughed, threw out another dead lawyer joke, and hung up on him. He yelled and cursed, telling Michael to get her back on the line.

“Maybe we need to approach this differently,” I said.

He swung around, his gaze cold. “You think you can win her over, Ms. VanRyan?”

“I have no idea. But the two of you spark off each other. Maybe someone else needs to try.”

“Good fucking luck,” he muttered, grabbing his coat. “I’m going to lunch.” He slammed out of the office.

Michael groaned. “That means he’s heading to the bar across from the courthouse. He’s going to sit and bitch about shit with other lawyers. No doubt, complain about his staff.” He lifted an eyebrow. “What did you do to displease ‘the god of all he sees’? He keeps calling you Ms. VanRyan.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “I contradicted him in a meeting.”

Michael’s eyes widened. “And I missed it? Holy shit, I bet he blew a gasket after.”

I was surprised how natural my voice sounded. “He wasn’t pleased.”

He snorted and stood. “He’ll get over it. I was Mr. Banks for a month once. It pissed him off even more when I kept calling him Jaxson.” He winked. “I notice you’re employing the same tactic.”

I smiled grimly. Every day it was getting harder and harder to keep up the façade. I thought it would get easier, but it wasn’t. I was glad my break was coming up soon. I planned on spending it all in Port Albany with my family, not even thinking about this place. Or Jaxson.

Especially Jaxson.

Michael slipped on his coat. “He’ll be gone for a while. Good thing his afternoon is light. I’m heading to lunch. Wanna come with?”

“No. I’m gonna eat and go study.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He left, and the office was quiet. I sighed, letting my head drop to my chest. Jaxson’s words kept going through my head. “You think you can win her over?” Heather had suggested a different angle.

An idea began to form, and with a frown, I dragged my laptop close. Maybe, just maybe, I was onto something.

Chapter 18


Later that night, I dialed a phone number, holding my breath. The line answered, the raspy voice of an older woman coming through.


“Helen Fraser?”

“Who is this?”

“My name is Grace VanRyan. I work for Jaxson Richards.”

“You have my sympathy. Why are you calling?”

“Ms. Fraser, I know you don’t like lawyers, but I also know something you dislike even more.”

“And what might that be, young lady?”

“Cruelty to animals. Abandoned ones.”

“And what does that have to do with your boss? Unless you’re about to tell me he was abandoned by his mother when he was a pup—not that I blame her. He’s a pit bull, that one. Nasty as they come.”

I drew in a deep breath, trying not to laugh. “He’s really not, Ms. Fraser. He is trying to help your siblings. Did you know if he can’t prove some of these trademarks and copyrights, the money will go to your sister-in-law?”

“Why should I care? I don’t like any of them. They can fight it to the death as far as I care.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024