My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 56

I knew there was bad blood between the siblings. But at one point, they had all worked together. Surely I could soften her.

“Your siblings are like you. They donate heavily to causes for animals. They support no-kill shelters.”

There was a beat of silence. “So?”

“Your sister-in-law was brought up on animal cruelty charges twice.”

Helen cursed low under her breath. “I’m not surprised.”

“Were you aware they started a yearly bursary in your name in the veterinary program years ago?”

I felt her shock through the phone. I held my breath, hoping that information softened her. All I needed was the tiniest opportunity. The slightest sign of tempering on her part.

“What did you say your name was?” she asked finally, her voice no longer as cold.

“Grace VanRyan.”

“Tell me more.”

Friday morning, I braved the lion in his den. I knocked on Jaxson’s door, waiting for his order.


I crossed the threshold and sat in front of him.

“What is it?” he asked curtly.

“Helen Fraser has agreed to speak to you at noon. No earlier.” I tried not to smile when I remembered her orders. “You keep calling her before she is even out of bed.”

He narrowed his eyes. “When did you talk to her?”

“I have spoken with her four times since Wednesday.”

“Four times?”

“Yes. She has agreed to give you ten minutes. She will not hang up on you, although I can’t guarantee she won’t call you names.”

He was silent, staring at me for a moment. “What have you done, Grace?”

It was the first time in days I’d heard my name on his lips. Heard his voice without the ice wrapped around it. I had to look down and collect myself. Remind myself I was doing a job for him. Not because of him.

“I smoothed the waters a little.” I stood. “Michael will place the call. I got you an opening. How you proceed is up to you.” I headed to the door. “Try a little patience, Jaxson. I know you’re capable of it.”

“Ms. VanRyan.”

I turned and met his eyes. For one moment, there was only him and me. The effect he had on me was still there, pulsating and alive. I had to force it down and give him my fake smile. “Yes, Mr. Richards?”

“Good job. Thank you.”

I left his office, sitting down on shaking legs. My heart was beating fast, the blood strumming through my veins. Four little words and I was elated. I needed to stop this. He thanked me for doing my job; that was all. I was an employee, nothing else.

I blinked back my tears as a wave of fresh pain hit me. I knew I couldn’t stay. I had to get away from this office.

I gathered my things. “I’m going to study, Michael.”

He nodded silently. He had a look of pity on his face, and I had a feeling he knew everything. That we’d never fooled him, but that he was too kind to bring it up. His quiet support meant a lot. It also meant I had to be even more careful to hide my feelings.

“Good luck with the call,” I murmured and slipped out the door, heading to the library.

I returned to my desk a few hours later. I had tried to concentrate on studying, but my mind refused to cooperate. I read and reread the same case files over and again, but nothing stuck. Finally, I gave up and decided to go back to my desk, clear off anything waiting, and head home.

Michael looked up as I walked in. “Hey.”

“How did it go?” I asked anxiously.

“Well, I think. He was on the phone for a while, then he disappeared with one of the partners.”

“She didn’t hang up on him?”

“Not this time.”


I walked toward my desk as Jaxson came through the doorway. “Ah, Grace, I was looking for you.”

“Oh, I was getting my things and was going to head home.”

He frowned. “Home?”

“I, ah, have another migraine coming on.”

“I need a moment before you go.”

I preceded him into the office and sat across from him. He studied me for a moment.

“You’re pale.”

“What do you need?” I asked, refusing to reply to his personal remark.

“Helen Fraser has agreed to meet with me. I’m flying to Vegas on Sunday.”

“Well, good news, then.”

“There’s a catch.”


“She’ll only see me if you are there.”

I blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“She will meet with me only if I bring you along.”

“I can’t.”

“It’s a business trip. Purely professional.”

I shook my head. “The wedding is next Friday. I have to be in Port Albany on Thursday.”

“We’ll fly out Sunday, meet with her Monday, and you can head back that night. I’ll stay and finish it off. I’ve had it approved by the partners.”

“I am not going on a trip with you, Jaxson.”

He drummed his fingers on his desk. “She will not see me if you don’t come. The entire case rests on your agreement, Grace.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024