King of Diamonds (Vegas Underground 1) - Page 56

Nico swallows. “She’s...the missing piece to me. I need her.”

“You don’t make decisions that affect this whole family. Only I make those. You are nothing without us,” he spits.

Nico’s never looked more sober. “Perhaps not. But I’d still have her.”

His father gets up and walks out.

I want to puke. I don’t know what Nico expected from this meeting, but I somehow don’t think it went according to plan.

We get up and leave. Nico doesn’t speak until we’re in the vehicle.

“So, now what?” I ask, my voice shaky.

Nico doesn’t look at me. His face is a hard mask as he starts the car, staring straight ahead. “So now either everything’s fine or there will be trouble.”

I choke on my own spit. “What kind of trouble?”

He reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Nothing will happen to you. This is just between family.”

“Nico. H-how long until things are settled?”

“Oh, very soon. I’d give it no more than forty-eight hours.” He takes the exit toward Chicago. “So we’ll let things cook. The resolution will come out soon. In the meantime, I’m going to buy you the biggest fucking diamond in the Windy City.”

“I don’t need a diamond,” I murmur, fear squeezing my heart.

I’m not sorry I chose Nico. Not after what I just saw. He’s willing to alienate himself from his entire family for me. But I’m definitely scared. Totally out of my element.

“You’re getting a diamond.” Nico’s mood seems to lighten. “You’re going to let me spoil you this time.”

His love seems to wrap around me and squeeze. “Okay,” I murmur. Whatever makes him happy.

We end up finding a pear-shaped diamond at Tiffany’s. When we get back to the Explorer, three guys are leaning up against it, arms folded in full tough guy stances. Nico goes rigid, but his step only falters for a second.

“Give me the keys,” one of them orders. He resembles Nico, but older.

Nico tosses him the keys.

His brother—I’m assuming it’s his brother—hits the fob to unlock the doors and the two other guys throw open the doors. “Get in.”

Nico helps me in the backseat and slides in beside me.

“Put her on your lap,” one of the guys growls as they sandwich us in the backseat. One of them has a gun pointed at us.

His brother searches the glove box and under the seat. “You didn’t bring a piece?” There’s a mocking tone to his voice, like Nico got caught with his pants down.

“I didn’t,” Nico confirms.

His brother looks in the rearview mirror. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

Nico doesn’t respond. His brother drives the car and when we head out of the city, one of the guys produces two blindfolds, which he ties around our heads. I was moderately freaked out before. Now I’m ready to piss myself.

The Explorer slows down and pulls off on what must be a dirt road. I hear another vehicle following behind us. Nico’s arms band tightly around my waist, as if by holding onto me, he’ll be able to protect me from whatever’s about to happen.

We stop. The car behind us pulls in, too. My blindfold gets pulled off, but Nico’s doesn’t.

A fourth guy comes out from behind the wheel of a black Range Rover. The doors fly open and they drag us out. His brother restrains me. One of the other guys produces rope and ties Nico’s wrists behind his back, then they force him to his knees.

And then they take turns punching him in the face.

“Nico!” I scream, struggling against his brother’s hold.

Nico attempts to lunge to his feet. “Junior, you touch one hair on her head—”

“I’m not hurting her.” Junior almost sounds amused. “I’m just restraining her.”

It’s true. His hands are huge, like Nico’s, but he hasn’t grabbed with bruising force. He wrapped my arms around my waist to restrain me, holding me with little effort.

Nico calms slightly.

“This is the girl you’re willing to give up everything for?” his brother asks. One of the thugs punches Nico in the face again and drops of blood fly from his mouth.

I scream.


“Everything? You think she’ll still want you when you’re poor?”

“I want him, just let him go—” I thrash my legs around, trying to pull free.

“You can’t have her if you’re dead.” All amusement leaves his voice—the cold threat hangs menacingly still in the air.

“No,” I scream. “Don’t kill him. I’ll leave him alone. I’ll go away. Please…I’m sorry. Let him go. I won’t interfere.”

Nico doesn’t move. He stands on his knees, head held high, unmoving, even when the thugs punch him in the ribs.

“Hmm? You’d rather be dead than live without her?”

Nico spits blood from his lips. The lower one is split. He nods. “Yeah.”

“Noooo,” I scream. It echoes through the trees. My throat rasps.

This is all my fault. He did this for me. I had no idea what it would cost him. What he’d be risking.

Tags: Renee Rose Vegas Underground Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024