King of Diamonds (Vegas Underground 1) - Page 57

Junior cocks his gun and holds it to my head. “What if I kill her, too?”

Nico’s face contorts beneath the blindfold, rage twisting his features. I’ve never seen him look so horrifying. He attempts to lunge to his feet. The two soldiers grab his shoulders and push him back down, laying punches into his unprotected gut.

“I will fucking destroy everything you’ve ever loved,” Nico snarls.

Junior gives a mirthless chuckle. “That would be hard to do from the grave.”

“Believe it,” Nico spits.

Junior releases his hold on me. “I believe it.” He lifts his chin at the goons, who abruptly step back from Nico. Junior walks forward and pulls a knife from his belt.

“No, please!” I rush forward and lunge for Junior’s arm, but one of the soldiers catches me around the waist first.

“Easy with her,” Junior warns.

Easy with me? My brain scrambles to understand why, but then Junior reaches past Nico and uses the blade to cut the rope tying his hands.

“Where’s Jenna Pachino?” Junior asks.

“I gave her money to disappear for a while. Tony’s gonna let her know when things are settled.”

“They’re settled. I talked to Old Man Pachino. We have a new alliance. You’re off the fucking hook.”

Junior grasps Nico’s face with both hands, and lifts him to his feet. He yanks off the blindfold and kisses his brother on each cheek. Then he turns and stalks back toward their Range Rover. I think I hear him mutter, “Welcome to the family,” as I run past him to Nico.

Nico spreads his arms and catches me in them.

I weep, squeezing him for all I’m worth.

“Easy, baby. Not so tight.”

Oh Christ. I yank away. He probably has cracked ribs. Bruised, for sure.

The car doors shut—all four men have climbed inside the Range Rover, leaving us alone.

“It’s all right, come here.” He pulls me against him, kissing the top of my head. “Are you hurt?”

“Me?” I squeak.

“Are you?” His voice sharpens, like there will be hell to pay if I am.

“No, not at all.” I draw a shuddering breath against him, my tears moistening his blood splattered shirt.

His large body relaxes. He rubs my back and strokes my hair. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“It is? What’s happening?”

“It was a test. Or maybe a reckoning. A little of both, I guess.”

I tip my head up, blinking my wet lashes to see his bruised face. “A test? Did you know that?”

He shrugs. “I was about sixty percent sure.”

Sixty percent sure he wouldn’t die for me.

My knees wobble and I lean into him. “So you passed?”

Nico laughs through bloody lips. “Yeah, baby. Everything’s fine. We’re going to get married. You’re going to redecorate the Bellissimo. My little brother Stefano’s gonna help me run the casino and I’m gonna focus my hours on making you happy.”

I nuzzle my face into his chest. “I already am happy,” I murmur.

And it’s true. I’m definitely shaken up by what just happened, but rather than changing my mind about binding my life to Nico’s, his utter and complete commitment to me solidified it. I understand he’s part of a world that isn’t pretty, but he’d do anything for me. Even give up his life.

So I have faith we will figure out the rest.



I accept another glass of champagne and down it in a single gulp. From my position against the center pillar, I have a view of the entire reception.

I’m surprised the Tacones went all out on Nico’s wedding, considering what it means to the Pachino family. I guess Junior Tacone worked something out with Don Guiseppe, but it seems like a slap in the face, if you ask me.

Of course, no one asked me.

The wedding is at one of the finest hotels in Chicago—top floor, wall-to-wall windows overlooking the city and Lake Michigan. The bride is sweet—not the type I’d ever guess Nico would go for, but pretty, if you’re into that wholesome blonde kinda thing. Her family came from Michigan—a bunch of nerdy small-town WASPs, with the exception of her maid of honor, a leggy redhead who looks like she could hold her own with any of ours. And, if I’m reading the body language right, she might already be entangled with Nico’s younger brother Stefano.

Nico dances with his mom, his bride with her father. It’s so sweet it makes my teeth hurt.

Of course I heard Nico got a beatdown for wanting out of the contract, even though Jenna’s the one who ran away. I also heard Nico might have bankrolled that disappearance. I’ve been fucking waiting for permission to verify that fact.

Because every goddamn day that girl is missing has me itching to punch another hole in my wall. I can’t stand not knowing if she’s safe or in trouble. If she needs my help.

The fact that she went to Tacone for help in the first place kills me, but I guess it makes sense. She needed him to kill the marriage contract. I guess for that reason, I should be grateful to Tacone.

Tags: Renee Rose Vegas Underground Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024