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Say You Love Me

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Lena rolled her eyes again. “I’ve been drinking long enough to know how to take care of myself. But thank you for the suggestion, I won’t take it under advisement.” She downed another shot and turned around. She wobbled slightly and I reached out to take hold of her arm to steady her.

My fingers wrapped around her thin wrist and I could feel the flutter of her pulse. Was that because of me? Her pupils dilated slightly, and her lips parted. I found myself looking at her mouth longer than I should.

“I’m fine,” she rasped, her voice hoarse, pulling her arm from my grasp. I immediately let go.

It was on the tip of my tongue to give her a schmoozy retort along the lines of “Yes you are,” but I didn’t. Even if I would have gotten immense satisfaction out of annoying her, this was her night. Her celebration. And she deserved to have a good time.

The bartender finally brought me my beer and I downed it in one go while Lena took her last shot. “Maybe I should get the next round. Perhaps a Cosmo or whatever fruity drink girls like,” I suggested.

“A Cosmo is a bitch drink. But I’d understand if you’d like one though.” She was needling me. Pushing my buttons with the edge of her stiletto heels. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat of the room and the alcohol. She swayed slightly on her feet. I wanted to reach out to hold her again—so she wouldn’t fall over of course—but I kept my hands to myself.

“So, you’re taking the offer,” I said again, ignoring her snarky remark and trying to get her to focus. Though this time I said it as a statement, not a question. She didn’t answer right away so I gave her my cocksure smile. “Unless you’re afraid it’d be too much for you.” Okay, so maybe I did want to goad her a tiny bit.

Match meet fire…

Lena’s blue eyes flared, and she bared her teeth in a ferocious smile. “I’m not afraid of anything, Wyatt. You should know that about me by now.”

“Then put your money where your mouth is.” We were standing close together. So close that I could smell the sweet tequila on her breath and the vanilla of her shampoo. I brushed her hand with my arm. Just a brief touch of my fingers against her skin. I was sure she shivered. I was also sure that for a moment she leaned into me.

God, I wanted to kiss her. I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything in my fucking life. I had tasted her only once and it had been enough to know that I could easily become addicted to her. Working together was going to be difficult. But the thought of her walking away had me doing and thinking stupid, stupid things.

“Show me you’re not a scared little girl,” I murmured, dipping my head close to hers. “Show me what you can do, Marlena.”

Our lips were close together. So goddamn close.

Her eyes met mine and they boiled over with anger and challenge and a healthy dose of lust. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Lena Ducate was hot for me. But I knew she’d never admit it and she sure as hell wouldn’t act on it. She knew better than to trust me. I had taught her well.

She purposefully took a step backward, putting distance between us. I tucked my hands into my pants pockets and leaned against the bar again. All nonchalance and couldn’t-give-a-shit attitude.

“So, what do you say? You want to come and play with the big boys?” I smirked, waiting.

Never taking her eyes off me, Lena pulled her phone out of the top of her dress.

“Did you have that tucked in your bra?” I snorted.

“Shut up, Wyatt,” Lena snapped, putting the phone to her ear.

“Hey Adam, sorry it’s so late—yes, I’m out. No, you don’t need to know where.” She rolled her eyes heavenward and I had to cover my mouth with my fist so I wouldn’t laugh. “Jesus Christ, Adam, I’m an adult, I don’t need to—yes, I’m being smart.”

I covered my chuckle with a cough and Lena glared at me, warning me to be quiet. “I just wanted to tell you that I’d like to accept your job offer.”

I didn’t know what Adam was saying on the other end, but whatever it was, it transformed Lena’s hard expression. Her face softened and her smile was tender. I found myself smiling too, seeing her like that.

It made me remember a time when I saw that look directed at me.

“Ugh, don’t start talking golf. I don’t understand how you, Rob, and my brother can spend hours hitting a tiny ball around the grass,” Lena teased, leaning into my side. We were sitting on Kyle Webber’s couch. The party had fizzled out a while ago, but neither one of us was in a rush to leave.

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