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Say You Love Me

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I wasn’t sure how I found myself sitting with Lena laughing about the latest episode of Silicon Valley and defending the merits of golf. But I liked it. A lot.

“Maybe you just need the right teacher. Considering how competitive you are, I’m sure you’d be a natural,” I responded, nudging her knee with mine.

Maybe it was because we had both been drinking, but for once we weren’t engaged in a battle of words. I wasn’t trying to piss her off and Lena wasn’t trying to castrate me with her barbs. It was nice to be...normal with her.

Lena giggled and I found myself liking the sound. I wanted to hear it more. I wanted to see her smile and her eyes sparkle.

I took her hand, our fingers laced together. She turned her face upward to look at me. “Will you teach me then, Wyatt?” she asked, her lips pulling upwards.

I leaned in closer, feeling drawn to her as if being pulled by an invisible cord. “I’d love to.”

I watched her talk to Adam on the phone and felt a strange twinge of jealousy. Which was ridiculous. He was her brother and I was... well, I was sometimes her nemesis, always a pain in her ass. I’d only seen her look at me with tenderness a handful of times. It had changed me in ways that I didn’t want to admit. It didn’t matter though. Because Lena and I were nothing to each other. And we never would be.

I cleared my throat and made a gesture of impatience. Lena narrowed her eyes at my rudeness, her face hardening. Any semblance of tenderness was completely erased. “Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She hung up with her brother and tucked her phone back in bra. I caught a glimpse of black lace and I felt a tightening in my groin. Just the sight of Lena’s bra strap turned me on. What was wrong with me?

“There. It’s done.” Lena pushed past me towards the dance floor, where her friend was waiting for her. She turned to look at me over her shoulder one last time. “Don’t make me regret this.” Her words were hard, but her eyes said something else. Was she worried?

Then she was gone. Lost in a sea of writhing bodies. I started to go after her—for what, I had no idea—when Derek and Todd found me.

“Natalie is blowing up my phone. I need to get home,” Derek said.

“Yeah, my mother-in-law has left, so I’d better head back too,” Todd agreed.

I glanced around the club but couldn’t find Lena. I thought about staying. About finding her again.

And then what?

Any possibility could only lead to trouble. It was best I removed all temptation.

“Sure, let’s go,” I said, following my buddies towards the exit.

Chapter 3


Two months later

“Come on, just let me,” Sheila Moore rasped in my ear, taking my lobe between her teeth and biting down. My back was pressed against the wall of the bathroom stall while Sheila worked on my belt buckle.

I chuckled. “We have to be in the courtroom in twenty minutes,” I pointed out, though making no effort to stop her.

She reached into my pants and wrapped her hand around my hardening cock. “I’ll be quick. Promise.” She dropped to her knees; her breath hot on my dick. “I want you in my mouth.”

I groaned, pushing her head toward my crotch. If you asked me, a quick blowjob was an excellent way to start the day, and Sheila Moore was damn good at it. Her tongue flicked the head, and I pulled her hair hard enough to make her gasp. “Don’t tease me, Sheila,” I warned.

Her lips had just circled my penis when I heard the door to the restroom open. I could hear Rob talking on the phone. Well shit. Sheila had taken me to the back of her throat and was massaging my balls, but it was difficult to keep a hard-on when your partner was chit-chatting three feet away.

Sheila sucked and sucked, but it was no use. The moment had passed. I gently pulled my cock from her mouth and tucked it back in my pants. She struggled to her feet in the cramped space. She frowned up at me and I put my finger to her mouth, indicating for her to be quiet.

We waited for Rob to finish with his phone call and when he left, I pushed open the stall door and walked to the sink, quickly washing my hands.

Sheila went to the mirror and fluffed her hair, pulling a tube of lipstick from her purse and reapplying it. “Well, that was completely unsatisfying,” she pouted, slithering a hand up my arm.

“Yeah, another time,” I said dismissively with a smile. Sheila was trying to pull me toward her, but I put my hands on her shoulders, keeping her at bay. “Another time, Sheila,” I repeated a bit more firmly. She went up on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth against mine. I was annoyed knowing she had covered me in her bright red lipstick.

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