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Say You Love Me

Page 41

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“So, where did you learn to play pool?” I asked him, our knees brushing against each other as he sat down. We let a couple of guys who had been waiting to play have their turn. I wasn’t really interested in playing the pool anymore. I was way more interested in the gorgeous man beside me. I propped my chin in my hand.

Jeremy peeled the label from the bottle absentmindedly. “It was one of the few things I remember doing with my dad that we both enjoyed. He wasn’t much for father/son bonding.”

There was a distinct note of bitterness in his tone. Normally I wouldn’t have unpacked the baggage that was obviously there. Jeremy and I didn’t have that kind of relationship. But tonight, I was feeling like I could. That he wanted me to. That he was peeling back his layers and letting me have a glimpse inside.

“He taught you to play pool then?” I prompted.

Jeremy let out a breath, his eyes drifting around the busy bar. “My dad and I aren’t close.” His jaw was set, and he had tensed up. This was clearly not a happy topic. “Honestly, he’s a fucking asshole.” He drank the rest of his beer, setting the bottle down a little too violently. “Actually, he’s an abusive son of a bitch who likes to knock my mom around when he drinks. He used to take it out on me when I was around, but now that I’m not, my mom gets the brunt of all of it.”

“Why does she stay with him?” I asked softly, knowing it was a dumb question. There were a million reasons women stayed with their abusive partners. I didn’t mean to be insensitive but this was the first time I had ever heard Jeremy mention anything remotely personal and I realized I wanted to know more about this man beside me.

“Why does a woman ever stay? Because she loves him. Because she’s financially dependent on him. Because he’s twisted and contorted her emotionally for years to the point that she thinks she can’t survive without him.” Jeremy scratched at a spot on his chin.

“I’m sorry.” It was such a lame thing to say. And completely inadequate. But for once I was at a loss.

He shrugged. “It is what it is. I hate the fucking bastard, but I love my mom. She’s the only family I have. So even though it kills me that she puts up with his shit, I’ll never turn my back on her. She deserves to have one person in her life that loves her unconditionally.”

Without thinking, I reached out and put my hand on top of his. He slowly turned his palm and laced his fingers with mine. I squeezed. He squeezed back. “You’re a good son,” I told him, meaning it.

Jeremy laughed without humor. “I don’t know about that.”

“I do,” I argued. “And actually, I’m starting to think you might be a good person too.” I scooched my stool closer to his. I wanted to be near him.

Jeremy gave me an incredulous look. “Now that’s just crazy talk, Ducate.” He slid a piece of my hair behind my ear, his fingers trailing down the side of my face until he came to cup the side of my neck, his thumb resting over my rapid pulse. “You hate me remember? It’s probably best you hate me.”

I bit down on my lip, watching the way his eyes dropped to my mouth, the endless blue turning liquid hot. “Why?” It was a simple question and one that demanded an answer. I angled my face closer to his, my lips a breath away from touching his mouth. I saw him swallow. I could hear his breath go ragged. His fingers on the side of my neck dug into my skin. “What if I don’t want to hate you? Just for tonight?” I said softly against his lips.

“Lena,” he groaned, his other hand sliding around my neck so that he held me still. “This is such a bad idea.”

“The worst,” I murmured before his mouth was on mine. There was nothing soft and sweet about this kiss. It was all lust and fire. I parted my lips and felt his tongue against mine. He devoured me whole, his fingers tangling in my hair. I slid my hands around him.

We kissed as if the world were going up in flames.

He pulled back, staring at me with something that looked like wonder. “You’re drunk.”

“So are you,” I pointed out.

“You’ll regret this in the morning.”

I gripped his shirt in my hands, tugging him toward me. “No, I won’t,” I promised before kissing him again.

My body turned to jelly, and I knew, without a doubt, that kissing wasn’t going to be enough.

“I don't want you to think I’m taking advantage of you in your vulnerable condition,” he murmured against my mouth.

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