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Say You Love Me

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I laughed. “When have I ever been vulnerable, Wyatt?”

He considered my statement before nodding. “Fair point.” Then he was kissing me again. We went on like this forever until we were in danger of stripping down in the middle of the crowded bar.

We broke away, both panting. I looked over to where a group of guys was hooting and hollering. “Okay, time to put an end to the show. What I want to do to you is best done without an audience.” Jeremy’s mouth was swollen, and my skin felt raw from his stubble. I took his hand and got to my feet. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

Without a word, he followed me out of the bar.

The beauty of alcohol was it was impossible to overthink things when you were drunk.

All I could focus on was how much I wanted to get Jeremy Wyatt naked. I had been waiting four long years to run my tongue along the length of him. I ached to feel him everywhere. Part of my irrational hatred towards him was mired in my irrational attraction. I wanted him with every fiber of my being.

Tonight, I was going to get my wish. I was going to boink the hell out of that hot piece of man meat.

I’d deal with the fall out later.

Chapter 8


We couldn’t stop touching each other on the cab ride back to my apartment. We hadn’t discussed whether to go to my place or his, so I made the decision for us. Besides, my apartment was much closer to Sweet Lila’s.

And considering I couldn’t go thirty seconds without sticking my tongue down his throat, that made it the obvious choice.

“Mmmm,” I moaned into his mouth, not caring that the poor cabbie was getting a hell of a show though Jeremy was being entirely too PG-13 for my liking. His hands were staying strictly above clothing, no matter how many times I pushed his hand between my legs.

“Lena, baby, we have all night. We don’t need to get started in the back of a taxi,” he chuckled as I sucked on the skin beneath his ear.

“I’m horny,” I whined, squirming against him.

“Yeah, I got the memo.” He kissed me again, slower this time. Softer. I didn’t want soft. Or slow. I wanted hard and fast and I wanted to come all over his face.

He gently took my shoulders and set me away from him. My head swam with the movement of the car. “Good things happen to those who wait,” he lectured teasingly.

“Oh, fuck off with your folksy sayings,” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

He laughed again and took my hand, lifting it to kiss my knuckles. When we pulled up in front of my apartment, I pushed open the door and all but flew out of the back. Jeremy paid the guy and followed me to the door.

He took me in his arms, gripping the back of my neck, and kissed me long and deep. My arms went up around his neck and I almost kicked my leg up behind me like a girl in an old-fashioned movie. The man sure could kiss.

I sucked his tongue into my mouth as I fumbled for my keys in my bag, blindly shoving them in the lock and pushing our way inside. He smacked my ass as we ran up the stairs to the second floor. And then he was kissing me again, pressing my back against the wall.

“We need to get inside. Right now,” Jeremy groaned as I ran my hand down the front of his pants, massaging the rigid erection straining against the seam.

I lowered the zipper and snaked my fingers inside, stroking the length of him through the thin material of his boxers.

“Fucking hell, Lena,” he moaned, his fingers digging into my hip.

“Call me Marlena,” I ordered, unbuttoning the top of his trousers so my hand could gain better access.

He stopped kissing me and looked at me in confusion. “You hate it when I call you by your full name.”

“I know,” I said, knowing I wasn’t making sense. I pulled his trousers and boxers down and fell to my knees, not caring that we were standing in the hallway of my apartment building and my elderly neighbor could walk out and find us at any moment. The possibility of being caught only made the whole thing hotter. I took his cock, which was just as massive as I pictured it to be and wrapped my lips around him.

He buried his fingers in my hair. “Christ, Marlena.”

I took his dick into my mouth as far as I could take him, so deep that he touched the back of my throat. My mouth stretched around his girth as I slid my lips up and down. Up and down. The tasty salt of him was driving me wild. He moaned loudly, then stopped himself.

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