Say You Love Me - Page 82

Rob looked as if he wanted to say something more, but he thankfully bit his tongue. He simply shook his head and grabbed his coat, putting it on. “We need to head over to Sweet Lila’s. You want a lift?”

“I’ve got a few things to do here first. I’ll see you there.”

Rob clapped me on the shoulder as he passed. “You know I’m here if you want to talk about stuff—”

“I don’t,” I interrupted, but then softened. “Thanks though.”

Rob was usually unreadable. The dude had a hell of a poker face. But this time I could read him clear as day. And it was obvious he felt sorry for me.

Fucking hell, I didn’t need anyone’s sympathy.

I yelled in frustration, slamming my hand into the wall hard enough to hurt.

I felt as if I was losing myself and I wouldn’t let anyone, not even Marlena Ducate, ruin me.

I picked up my phone and sent out a quick text.

Are you going to our Christmas party?

The response wasn’t as quick as it once would have been. It took long enough for me to start questioning the intelligence of messaging her in the first place.

Sheila’s message finally came.

Heading over now. Will I see you there?

What was I doing?

A knot coiled in my belly and my chest felt tight. It felt as if I were committing a betrayal.

Lena left me. With no reason. She simply froze me out.

I had no loyalty to her.


I shoved aside the awful feeling of dread and heartache and responded to Sheila.

Of course, you will. I look forward to it.


It seemed I was the last to arrive. The backroom at Sweet Lila’s was so full I could barely see anyone but I could hear people singing bad Christmas songs on the Karaoke machine.

I was greeted by people as I made my way to the bar, keeping one eye open for Lena.

“I was beginning to think you were blowing us off.” I was pulled into a hug that smelled slightly of gin.

“I’d never blow you off, Meg. You wouldn’t let me,” I joked, giving Adam’s fiancé a kiss on the cheek.

She playfully punched me in the gut. “You know it. Now come with me and get a drink and help me save Adam from being bored to death. Nolan Rigby has him cornered and is talking his ear off about the dangers of legalizing marijuana.”

I chuckled. “Sure, let me order a drink first.”

We made our way to the bar and it was then that I saw her.

Marlena was tucked in the corner talking to Kyle Webber. Their heads were bent close together and I didn’t like how they seemed to be practically in each other’s laps. I liked Kyle. Always had. He was a straight-up dude. But I didn’t appreciate how close he was to my woman.


Not my woman.

Never had been.

“Double shot of whiskey. Make it neat,” I called out to the bartender.

“What are your plans for Christmas?” Meg asked, though I barely heard her. I was too busy watching Lena and Kyle like some sort of stalker.

“What?” I asked, distractedly.

Meg followed my line of vision. “Ahh, it all makes sense.” I didn’t want to ask her what she meant by that.

It seemed I was doing a bang-up job keeping the whole thing with Lena on the down-low.

“They’re only friends, you know,” Meg informed me as if I needed to hear it.

Did I?

Yes. Yes, I did.

“Who?” I played dumb. And badly.

Meg snorted, taking a sip of her mixed drink. I downed my double shot of whiskey in one go then promptly ordered another. “Kyle and Lena. The two people you’re staring holes into.”

I purposefully turned my back on them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I knocked back the whiskey, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I was feeling buzzed. I needed the insulating warmth of drunkenness to make the night bearable. “Come on, let’s go find Adam.”

But I didn’t follow Meg. Instead, I veered off to the right and headed straight to where Lena and Kyle were sitting.

“Hello,” I said slowly, with a shit-eating grin.

Kyle looked up and I swore his expression was hesitant. As if I had caught them talking about me. “Am I interrupting?” My words were slurring slightly, and I sounded belligerent.

Lena wouldn’t look at me. She kept her eyes on her drink, swirling a straw in what looked like ice water. I’d never known Marlena to go to a bar and drink fucking ice water.

“Hey, Jeremy. Good to see you.” Kyle stood up and held out his hand for me to shake. I ignored him. I didn’t care that I was being rude to a guy I was more or less friends with. I turned my attention to Lena.

“Cat got your tongue?” I tapped my hand on the table, startling her.

Finally, she looked at me. Her eyes appeared red and puffy as if she had been crying. Why would she be crying? I looked from her to Kyle, who had come to stand close again. As if he were trying to protect her. From me? What the hell?

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024