Say You Love Me - Page 98

I turned on the light and wagged a finger at him. “Don’t make fun of the purple and pink hearts on my comforter.”

He pulled me close and swept the hair over my shoulder so he could have clear access to my neck. “I would never,” he promised before sending shivers all through my body.

There wasn’t much talking after that. It was all lips and tongue and hands. Jeremy stripped me naked in record time, laying me gently on my childhood bed. He undressed just as quickly and was between my legs before I could miss him.

He worshipped my breasts, palming them and suckling on my nipples. “I swear these have gotten bigger,” he commented, running his tongue along with the taught bud.

“Duh, I’m pregnant. That’s what happens,” I quipped.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow. “I think I’m going to like you being preggo.”

“Perv,” I snickered.

He kissed the skin between my breasts. “I’m your perv.”

I ran my hands through his hair. “Yes, you are.”

When he finally entered me, it was tender and slow. “I love you, Marlena,” he gasped as he rocked into me.

“I love you too,” I cried as he pushed me higher and higher.

I clung to him, my nails digging into his back as he came. Then he moved his way down my body, his mouth sucking my clit into his mouth until I orgasmed.

When we were finished, we stayed wrapped around each other, limbs entangled, my ear pressed against his chest, listening to his racing heart.

“You know there’s another side effect of pregnancy,” I said, running my hands down his front and beneath the covers. I wrapped my hand around his dick. “An insatiable sex drive.”

Jeremy groaned. “Fucking hell, could I get any luckier?”

He had just started to roll me on my back for round two when I heard the front door open and slam shut, followed by “Lena?”

Jeremy and I froze.

“Shit. Is that your brother?” Jeremy whispered.

“Yes. Hurry up and get dressed!” We jumped out of bed and started scrambling for our clothes. Jeremy, tangled in the blanket, fell with a thud.

“Lena? Are you okay? What’s with all the noise—?”

Adam pushed open the door to my bedroom and I let out a scream.

“Get out, Adam! Close the door!” I shouted, trying to cover myself.

Adam’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head before he turned his back on the scene in front of him.

“Adam, did you find her? Oh, crap,” Meg said, coming up behind her fiancé. She gave him a shove. “Give them a minute. Don’t just stand there,” she chastised, shooting me an apologetic look.

Once the door was closed, Jeremy winced. “Get ready for the fireworks.”

I pulled him toward me and wrapped my arms around his waist. “It doesn’t matter what Adam has to say about it. It only matters how we feel.”

Jeremy kissed my forehead. “But at the end of the day, he’s my partner. His feelings do matter.”

“He loves you. And he loves me. So, he’ll get over it and want us to be happy. My brother isn’t a complete asshole,” I assured him, trying to convince both of us at the same time.

Once we were dressed, we slowly made our way downstairs to find my brother and soon-to-be-sister-in-law sitting in the living room. Adam’s face was all hard lines while Meg was talking to him in quiet tones.

They both looked up when we entered the room. Adam got to his feet. “What the hell is going on, Lena? Why is this dickhead here?” Adam demanded, glaring at Jeremy.

I took Jeremy’s hand between mine. “Look, Adam, I know Jeremy has a lot to make up for, but we’re going to be together. He’s the father of my child. And I love him. I love him so much. And he loves me too. We don't need your permission to be together, but we’d like your blessing all the same.” I gave my brother a hard look and he stared back with an expression that was equally unyielding.

“How can you trust him after everything? After all he’s done?” Adam fumed.

Jeremy took a step towards Adam. “Look, man, I know I went about this badly. You told me to stay away from Marlena, and I didn’t. You warned me that it would mess up things between you and me. But I couldn’t ignore how I felt about your sister.” He looked back at me with a tender smile. “I didn’t mean to fall in love with her. But I did. And it happened almost immediately. She’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. She gets me and she accepts me. Even the ugly parts.” He turned back to face Adam again. “You should know that when you find someone like that, you don’t let them go. No matter what’s against you. Would you have let anything get in the way of being with Meg?”

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024