Say You Love Me - Page 97

I let out a sob and pressed my fist to my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut. I wanted to believe him. So, so much.

“I tried to call you. On Christmas Eve and when you hung up, I thought that was it. That you were making it clear you didn’t want me in your life—”

“I didn’t know it was you!” I protested. “I only heard static.”

Jeremy shook his head. “I thought you hung up on me.”

“And I thought you never bothered to call,” I whispered.

We stared at each other for one heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Three.

Then his arms were around me. “Marlena, I can’t take back those horrible minutes after you told me you were pregnant. I can’t change how badly I reacted. All I can say is that I want this. With you. I want a family. I want Christmases and birthdays. I want all the messy along with all the joy. I want every single second of it. And even if you decide you want to do this on your own and there’s no chance for the two of us, I will stand by you and support you and be there every step of the way. I’m taking my lead from you.”

He pressed his lips to my forehead. “I love you, Marlena Ducate. I’ve loved you from that first moment when you looked up at me with those big eyes of yours ready to spit fire and told me your name was Lena, not Marlena.” We both laughed at that. “I fell hard for you, Lena. And I’ve been falling for you more and more every single day after that. I can’t pretend I’ll be good at this, that I won’t screw up, because we both know I’d be lying.” I snorted because he was right. “But I’m in this. One hundred percent. And you don’t have to worry about me straying or deciding that this isn’t enough for me.” He pulled away so he could look me in the eyes. And what I saw there wasn’t doubt and worry he was making a mistake. It was complete and total commitment. And a love that took my breath away.

“This is everything I’ve always wanted and never knew I needed, Marlena. And I will spend the rest of my life proving that I’m worthy of your love and our child’s love.” He gently rested his palm on my belly and held it there. “This baby will be the absolute best of you and the best of me. And I love it already. More than I ever thought possible to love someone. You taught me that, Lena. You reminded me that I had a heart.”

Okay, how was I not supposed to completely melt at that? I wasn’t made of stone, damn it.

“Jesus, Jeremy. You sure know how to come at a gal with guns blazing.” I sniffed, wiping at my nose.

Jeremy ran his thumbs along my cheeks. “You’re so cold, baby. Let’s get you inside and warm you up.” He paused. “That is if you want me to. I’d understand if you asked me to leave. But I’m warning you that if you do, I’ll be back here tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after—”

“Shut up and come inside.” I pulled him by the hand and led him into my parent’s foyer.

I started straightening up the cushions on the couch and cleaning up the nest I had made. “As you can see, I was having a rockin’ New Years’ Eve.”

Jeremy pulled me into his arms. “How about we make it a whole lot better?” he murmured.

But before he could kiss me, he stopped and gazed into my eyes, cupping the side of my face. “I need you to know this has never been just about sex for me. We just so happen to have great sex and we’ll continue having great sex. But I don’t want you thinking that I’m only over here for one thing—”

“Well, that’s disappointing,” I pouted and then pulled his face to mine, capturing his mouth.

He groaned deep in the back of his throat, his hands clasping my ass cheeks and hoisting me up so that I had to wrap my legs around his waist. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, Marlena. Tell me you missed me too,” he demanded.

He sucked on the sensitive skin below my ear, making me gasp. “I missed you too,” I sighed as he kissed a line along the curve of my jaw back to my lips. “My room is at the top of the stairs,” I told him.

“I can’t bend you over the chair?” he laughed.

“Um, that’s my dad’s chair. He sits in it to watch football.” We both made a face.

“Yeah, okay, a bedroom it is. Lead the way.” Jeremy smacked my ass and dropped me to the floor. I led him upstairs to the first door to the right.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024