Absolution (Road Kings MC And Underworlds 1) - Page 43

“One of our techs has found a way to triangulate what calls were made at the same time from the exact coordinates of the burner phone. So, we are cross-referencing them now to narrow down anyone who sent the messages or called the phone, if their location isn’t immediately available.”

The MC looked shocked at this, but most of my men looked smug.

“With Bruce’s approval, we will be sending out twelve teams of two men from both families to look into what we have. We also have nine men guarding Nell Hamilton and my sons, all chosen carefully.”

Now, I focused on the large group of Fedorov Bratva.

“It has come to my attention that some of us might have been… conflicted over what our loyalty to one another entails. I’ll use this opportunity to reiterate your duty—as soldiers, Vor, lieutenants, and Fedorov Bratva members— is that your loyalty is to us, your brothers and family, and not to others.

“Our allies receive our assistance at our approval, aside from the Road Kings. Should a member of an allied Bratva approach you to monitor or report back about any of the brotherhood, your loyalty should be to us, not them.”

I carefully scanned the large group again, this time picking up on three others who weren’t reacting as they should be to this.

To question, even vaguely, the loyalty and duty to your Bratva was one of the highest insults, and a majority of the men’s faces mirrored this.

For a face to look anything else other than pissed or disgusted at the insinuation raised alarm bells.

Glancing at Vadim, I was impressed by the blank expression he maintained, almost like he was bored by the proceedings, when I knew he was processing information and reactions faster than any of us.

Beside him, Val was doing the same, but she had a small smile on her face, giving her the appearance of being harmless and friendly. This was where the pale blonde hair and angelic image confused people the most.

Pulling up all of my anger and emotions over the threat to our families and my woman and sons, I growled, “To inform on the Bratva or assist against it means death.”

At that, I swiped my forefinger and middle finger, palm facing outward, through the air, signaling the end of the meeting.

The MC stayed behind for the meeting we’d arranged after we’d spoken to everyone, all of us watching the large group move toward the open doors.

Vadim and Val followed behind the members of the Bratva as they filed out, and catching her arm as she passed close to me, I whispered to Val, “Have Zoran point out Chernyshevsky, Kuznetsov, Goncharov, and Pankin.”

At her nod, I took a step back, and joined the group gathering with the Club.

I should probably feel on edge now that my men were aware I was the father of Nell’s boys, but instead, it felt like a weight had been lifted off me.

We had eyes on Azarov and Donna now, too, so anyone who met with them or contacted them would be dealt with.

I still needed to discuss the matter of the birth certificates with Nell and then get them changed, but I would do that tonight.

With Vadim and Val here hunting down the ghost, I felt more at ease than I had in over a year, since I’d first found out about the marriage.

To lose control left you weak. To have it made your enemy weaker.

We were being attacked at all angles—the Bratva, MC, and my personal life—but we were going to fight harder.

And we’d just revealed a hint of what was coming.

Chapter Fifteen


Hurrying through my shower after I got home from the hospital, I went into the nursery and swapped out more of the diapers in case I didn’t have enough already. I had no idea how many they were going to get through in a day, and I didn’t want to be caught short.

With the piles of freshly laundered and folded clothes also still waiting, I put them in the top drawer, and moved the larger sizes to the one below it.

I guess I was feeling anxious because I hadn’t spent a full twenty-four hours with the boys yet, so I didn’t know how much of anything they were going to need. I wanted to be prepared so I didn’t feel like a shit mom when they needed something.

I was tender in the areas where the staples and stitches had been removed today, especially my cesarean scar, so I took it slowly and was bending carefully when I needed to. That’s why, when a voice spoke from the doorway, I screamed with fright at first, and then followed it with another one from the pain.

“Are you sore, malysh?” Taras’ head jerked when I screamed the first time, and then clouded over when the pained one followed behind it. “Shit, I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Tags: Mary B. Moore Road Kings MC And Underworlds Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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