Absolution (Road Kings MC And Underworlds 1) - Page 42

“Men,” he began, and then turned to Valka and Stassy, “and ladies, of course. As you may know, our families have recently suffered great losses, and our attempts to track down the person or persons responsible have been unsuccessful.” He stopped as a rumble of pissed-off murmurs came from the men in the room, both ours and the MCs.

“My niece, Valka Fedorov, and a close family friend, Vadim Turgenev, have flown in from Russia to assist us. I’m sure the rumors of their abilities have reached you at some point, but I can assure you they don’t even come close to what they can do.”

I watched Bruce’s face as he took in my cousin and best friend, and gave him a nod when he looked at me for confirmation. He trusted my opinion to be honest, and I’d never be anything other than that with him now. Our blood link was now an impenetrable bond.

“I’ve also called in some other associates of mine, leaning on our oldest alliances, including the Suárez, Serrano, and Alvarez Galician Clan families, as well as the Moretti, Romano, Russo, and De Luca Cosa Nostra families.”

I watched as many of the faces changed from barely banked anger to shock at the names of the families who’d be joining us, and the fact they’d now be working together instead of the historical wars between them. It was also a testament to the strength and power of the Fedorov Bratva that they would do this for us.

My father had organized this well. To the people working against us, they’d see some of the most influential and powerful families working as one. To the ones inside our group who were now working for our enemies under the guise of one of the Bratva, this would give them an idea of what would happen when they were discovered. Individually, the families reputations were fierce. Together, they’d be merciless.

“I have on standby other associates in Mexico, Japan, the US, and Ireland should we require them.”

“Sounds like you might be bringing a war to us, Fedorov,” Bruce hedged, and even our men looked like they agreed with this concern.

Shaking his head, my father held up some papers. “I have written agreements from them that this will not be the case.”

Again, this was proof of his power, that they’d write and sign agreements not to fight one another, and, instead, focus on helping us.

“What I discuss now will not leave these walls,” he added, glancing at me first and then over at Bruce.

“Azarov is not involved in this matter. His son is traveling back from Russia tomorrow, and will meet with me to discuss a problem I have with his family. But his father will not be informed. Does anyone have a problem with this?” This time his question was aimed solely at our men.

Donna had some of them working for her, and her father’s involvement wasn’t unknown to us, and Dad was making this clear also.

Beside me, Dmitri, Vadim, and Val all watched reactions, searching for any men who might show signs of being conflicted by this—of which I noted two immediately, and made a note of their names.

Once he’d received confirmation from them, Dad continued. “The alliance between the Bratvas was based on marriage, one which is to be annulled shortly. My son is also the father of Penelope Hamilton’s newborn twin sons, thus a blood alliance has been formed.

“Our loyalty now lies with the Road Kings, and, as such, we will be at their backs at all times. I ask again if anyone has a problem with this?”

I watched the two men I’d picked out previously, managing to keep my face blank as anger crossed one of their faces before he managed to catch it, and the other one fidgeted at the question.

Once more, there were murmurs confirming acceptance of it.

“An attempt was made on my grandsons, following an order placed by someone who was to leave instructions in Russian. Taras has information pertaining to this order, which he’ll now share with you.”

At that, he stepped back, and I took his place.

“We caught the man who attempted to kidnap my sons from the hospital and questioned him. As expected, he didn’t have a lot of information on who placed the order, but he provided us with a phone number, which we’ve been working on all night. The phone is a burner, however, this does not prevent signal masts from intercepting locations—if you know how to do it.”

This was a small joke as a lot of people incorrectly assumed burner phones were untraceable.

Everything left a trail, even a ghost.

“We have the coordinates of eight locations, and will be sending out teams to investigate the areas. We also have a list of numbers that contacted the kidnapper's phone, so you will also be looking into the people attached to them.

Tags: Mary B. Moore Road Kings MC And Underworlds Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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