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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

Page 82

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My lips brush her neck as I bring my mouth to her ear. "Turn to your left."

She takes an unsteady step towards the left.

"Two steps forward."

She swallows hard, but she takes the two steps forward. She trusts me to lead her. I have to see how much she trusts me with her body.

"A half step."

Her knee brushes against the comforter as she moves forward.

"Sit on the bed."

She turns and takes a seat. Her knees press together. Her fingers dig into her thighs. She wants to come. She wants to be fucked. She wants whatever I'm willing to give her.

I let my voice drop to that demanding tone. "Spread your legs, baby."

She presses her knees apart. Fuck. That's beautiful. She's soft and pink and she's fucking soaked.

"You always get that wet?"

"No." Something edges into her voice—some ugly place that hurts. "I usually… Just no."

Her expression twists. Even with the blindfold covering her eyes, I can see it. That shame is back.

But why?

My head fights with my cock. It wants to know where she hurts. It wants to fix it. Or maybe that's my heart. Either way, my cock doesn't give a flying fuck.

It wants her cunt pulsing around it as she comes.

It wants to bring her all the pleasure in the fucking universe.

I can get her to talk now, but it's not right. I need to wait until we're both on even ground.

I need to take whatever it is that's hurting her and destroy it.

I pick up the bucket of ice. "You only get that wet for me, baby?"

Her shoulders relax. Her thighs clench. She lets out a soft sigh. "Yes."

"Lie back down. Keep your legs where they are."

"Mal…" Her voice breaks into a needy whine.

It's fucking music.

Slowly, she lowers herself onto her back.

I position my body between hers. I'm too tall or this bed is too short. Either way, I can't fuck her in this position.

Lacey groans as I nudge her legs apart. Her back arches. Her lips part with a sigh.

She's right where I want her.

I take an ice cube and hold it over her stomach.

She shudders as a drop of freezing water hits her skin. Then another. Another.

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