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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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Slowly, I bring the cube to the spot just above her belly button and I run it up the center line of her body until it's nothing but melted water.

She clutches at the sheets, her hips bucking, her knees pressing against my outer thighs.

This time, I start at the spot just below her belly button and I draw a line up to her breast. She shudders with a heavy groan as the ice brushes against her nipple.

"Fuck," she breathes.

I lean down to suck the ice off her skin. She reaches up to tug at my hair, pulling my body onto hers, pulling hard enough to hurt.

Her groan echoes through the room.

"Mal…" It's a plea. Not for anything, but for everything.

I can't give her much besides pleasure, but I can give her a fucking lot of pleasure.

I pull back enough to grab another ice cube. She shudders with that mix of hurt and ecstasy as I drag it up her stomach and over her other nipple. This time, I wait until she's sinking her teeth into her lip to bring my mouth to her breast and lap up the melted ice.

She groans as I flick my tongue against her tender bud.

As I suck softly.

Then harder.

Then hard enough she yelps.

I scrape my teeth against her.

She tugs at my hair as she lets out that half-agony, half-ecstasy groan. She likes pain. Maybe only this much. Maybe more. I'm going to find out, but not right now.

Now, I need to taste her.

I drag my lips to her other nipple and toy with it until she's digging her nails into my back.

Slowly, I drag my lips down her chest and stomach, below her belly button.

She shudders as I plant a soft kiss on her inner thigh.

As I work my way up her leg.

"Mal…" Lacey's breath hitches. She digs her hand into my hair and holds on like it's a lifeline.

I nip at the skin of her inner thigh. "You want to come on my face, baby?"

Her yes is a low groan that demands every ounce of my attention.

Right now, she isn't thinking about anything ugly. She isn't thinking anything but I need him.

Right now, she needs me more than she needs anything.

The power of it is intoxicating.

I move to her other leg, plant a kiss on the inside of her knee, and work my way up her inner thigh.

She shudders.


Her breath hitches.

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