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Under the Boardwalk (Costas Sisters 1)

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“Understandable,” he said and winked at her before turning back to his duties behind the bar.

Ariana made her way to the employees’ restroom because thankfully it lacked the hustle and bustle common in the larger restrooms inside the casino. Though she wasn’t alone here, Ariana still relished the peace. She sat on the couch in the outer lounge, leaned against the backrest, and sighed aloud.

“It’s hard working for a living.”

Ariana glanced up as Maria walked into the restroom’s lounge area. “It’s not the same as my old job,” Ariana replied, “but work is work.”

The other woman strode over to the mirror and adjusted her skirt and top, then opened her purse to pull out a tube of lipstick. “What was your old job?” she asked, then began the meticulous job of applying a rose-colored lipstick while watching Ariana in the mirror at the same time.

“I’m a psych professor, but I’ve waitressed before. Back when I put myself through school.” This was Maria’s first attempt at civil conversation, and Ariana didn’t want to blow it by coming off as too academic.

“Returning to your roots?” Maria’s gaze narrowed while her tone indicated she still didn’t like or trust Ariana.

Since she didn’t have the time to play games, Ariana opted for the truth. “No, I’m looking for my sister.”

For the first time, Maria’s hardened expression changed and softened. “She was real,” she said. “We all liked her.”

Ariana swallowed over the lump of emotion knotted at the back of her throat. “Did you see her that last time she worked here?”

Maria shook her head. “I was out that night.”

“Then did you hear anything when you came back? Anything unusual happen around here that day?”

The other woman paused, obviously giving the question some thought. Finally she shook her head. “Not that I can remember. Except everyone was really quiet after the police came sniffing around.”

“I guess that would be understandable.” If someone was covering something up, they’d definitely remain silent, Ariana thought. And if the employees knew nothing, they’d have nothing more to say. “What about Connor?”

Maria stiffened and Ariana realized she’d made a tactical error and hit a nerve. “What about him?” Maria asked, her walls and suspicions back up and in place.

“He’s the bartender,” Ariana explained. “He’s here every night. If anyone was going to see or hear anything, wouldn’t it stand to reason it would be him?”

The other woman shrugged. “It might. Then again you might be using your sister’s disappearance to get closer to him.”

Frustration filled Ariana and she clenched her teeth as she spoke. “If I was, why would you care? Danielle said you won’t give the man the time of day, so why give me the cold shoulder over him?” She deliberately used another waitress’s information as a means of confronting Maria.

“I have my reasons.” She bit down on her bottom lip, the first real hint of vulnerability Ariana had seen. “They’re just none of your business. Just because you’re a psychology professor doesn’t give you license to pry into my life.”

Ariana shook her head. She didn’t need this crap right now. “Believe me, I don’t give a damn about anyone who doesn’t care about me, and you’ve made your feelings perfectly clear since the moment we met. All I want to do is find my sister and go back to my life.”

“Then we both want the same thing.”

“Insecurity’s not attractive,” she told the other woman. The psychologist in Ariana came out despite her resolve to keep quiet. “Besides, I’m not after Connor and I’m no threat to your seniority here.”

“You’d better not be, since I need this paycheck and any upcoming raise to support my kid.” She clamped her lips shut tight.

“Then I suggest we both get back to work.” Ariana headed for the door, frustrated that she had no more information now than before.

Maria stopped her with a touch of her hand on Ariana’s arm. “Wait.”

Ariana turned and waited.

“I liked your sister and . . . well, I have no real reason to dislike you. What’s going on between me and Connor has nothing to do with you.”

Since the woman appeared to be choking as she swallowed her pride, Ariana figured that was as close to an apology as she was likely to get. Grateful for even that much of a concession, Ariana smiled. “Then maybe things can get more pleasant around here?”

Maria nodded. “And since I’ve been such a bitch, the least I can do is give you one piece of information.”

“I thought you didn’t see or hear anything about Zoe that night.”

“It’s just that what I heard and what I trust are two different things. And since I saw you kissing Quinn, I didn’t know if I should tell you.”

Ariana’s fingers clutched her purse tightly, her knuckles turning white and her nerves prickling with anticipation. “I want to know anything about Zoe. Even if it involves Quinn.” Especially if it involved Quinn.

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