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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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“Yes,” Chuck grumbled with a hangdog expression Mickie couldn’t help but derive immense pleasure from.

“Is there anything you wanted to add, Mickie?” Angelica raised an eyebrow in her direction.

Mickie grinned. “I think you covered everything. Chun up, Chuck,” she said with false sweetness. “You’re going home one hundred thousand dollars richer.”

There wasn’t a doubt in her mind or Angelica’s that the man would have used this video to extort money from Mickie and torture Keith for years to come had they not taken legal action. Sure, a hundred thousand dollars was a lot to give such a disgusting human being, but not nearly as much as he could have gotten if she’d been stupid enough to fall for his game. And in the grand scheme of things, if it kept him away from the Bensons, the money was more than worth it.

Chuck opened his mouth, no doubt to cuss her out, when Angelica cleared her throat. “Now,” she said as she turned her attention to the other man in the room. “Your turn, Mr. Degrasse.”

Mickie smiled. This one would be even more fun.


“RALPH, I’VE BEEN patient, but I’m at the end of my rope. Why the fuck and I in California standing in the lobby of an attorney’s office?” Christ, the last twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind. He’d flown to LA at Ralph’s insistence—first class for the first time ever he might add—but a man could only take so much secrecy.

“Look, Keith, it’s not my story to tell. I got you here, which is already gonna get my ass kicked by Mickie. You’re just going to have to see the rest for yourself. Okay?”

“Ralph, hello!” A perky blonde holding a clipboard emerged from behind a desk. Was every woman out here in LA a size two blonde? Sure seemed like any female he’d come across since the airport was a semi clone of all the others. “Please follow me. They’ve already begun.”

“Thank you, Joslyn,” Ralph said, holding his hand out for Keith to precede him.

Keith tried to keep his jaw from hitting the floor as they made their way through the enormous and extremely swanky law office. Hell, it just might be the fanciest place he’d ever been, and it was a goddamned office building. He sure looked out of place with his jeans and Nirvana T-shirt.

Joslyn stopped outside a closed door. “You’ll be able to observe from in here,” she said with an animated smile. “It’s a two-way mirror so they won’t be able to see you. The room is also soundproof so feel free to talk. If you need anything push that silver button there on the wall and I’ll come running.” She pointed to the button.

What the… Had he stepped into an episode of the Twilight Zone? More like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

“Thank you, Joslyn. We’ll be just fine. Come on, Keith.” Ralph ushered him in.

He probably seemed like a complete country bumpkin gawking at the fancy splendor of the place and not speaking, but he was admittedly extremely overwhelmed by his surroundings and the fact he still didn’t know why he was there to begin with. All he knew was it had something to do with Mickie.

Ralph stood there holding the door open. “Keith?”

“Oh, yeah sorry.” He walked into the room and immediately his eyes were drawn to Mickie behind the window.

His heart started to pound. Had it really only been four days since he’d last seen her? Fuck, he missed her with a force so strong it hurt. Rubbing the ache in his chest, he drank in the sight of her seated at the head of an oval table. His beautiful woman wore a smile that lit her eyes behind those sexy glasses. As usual, her hair was sleek and shiny in its stylish bob, but she had a fitted black outfit he assumed was a dress. Since meeting her, he’d only seen her in jeans, leggings, or sweats. Or, well, naked. Lots of naked.

Today she looked sexy, polished, and powerful.

“Ms. Hudson, I believe you wanted to be the one to speak to Mark.”

For the first time, Keith realized Mickie wasn’t alone in the room. A woman stood at the other end of the table wearing a blue suit. Next to her sat a very elegant man who looked like he might vomit. And across from him sat—

“What the fuck is Chuck doing here?” Keith’s heartrate skyrocketed as he spun to face Ralph.

“Shhh.” Ralph pointed to the window. “You don’t want to miss your girl in action. She’s something to watch.”

Michaela stood, smoothing down what was in fact a simple fitted black dress. Though no sparkles, ruffles, or whatever else women like on their dresses, she looked like a million freakin’ bucks. “Thank you, Angelica, yes.”

She straightened her shoulders and glared at the man called Mark. Keith had the distinct impression he was in the presence of Scarlett, movie star extraordinaire, about to act in the most vital performance of her life.

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