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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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Pointing to a stack of papers in front of the attorney, she said, “Mark, that is the non-disclosure agreement you signed when you began working for me six years ago.” She cocked her head. “You do remember that, right? You worked for me. Not the other way around. And I made you a very rich man over the years. In fact, like me, you were a nobody before I came into your life. You don’t need me anymore. You have plenty of high-profile clients thanks to the name you made for yourself because of your affiliation with me.”

Whoa boy, his woman was steamed. Keith smiled. Damn, she was something.

“Told ya,” Ralph said with a laugh. “And I believe she’s just getting warmed up.”

“And how do you thank me for the many millions of dollars I’ve made you? By blackmailing me.”

Keith sucked in a breath. “What?” he whispered, pressing his hands to the glass.

“How dare you?” she sneered, with so much hatred Keith wondered if she might hop across the table and strangle the man. “You were willing to buy a video of my boyfriend’s mother off this piece of shit here,” she said pointing at Chuck, “all so I would make another goddammed movie.”

A video. Keith frowned as his gaze shifted from Mickie to Chuck.

“Oh fuck.”

He covered his mouth as he gagged.

“Need the trash can?” Ralph rushed across the little room to grab the small can.

“No, I’m good,” Keith said though he sounded wrecked. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from what was happening in that room. Christ, Chuck still had the video and he’d tried to sell it to Mickie’s manager.

“You know what this life did to me, Mark. Who it turned me into. Who you helped turn me into.”

Mark snorted. “You always were a drama queen, Scarlett.”

“Don’t fucking call her that,” Keith growled.

Behind him, Ralph chuckled. “Down boy. She’s got this.”

“Now,” Mickie continued. “This little stunt has violated your NDA in about ten different ways. After a thorough review with Angelica, we’ve devised a very solid lawsuit that would ruin you.” She gave him the most sugar-sweet smile Keith had ever seen from her and he couldn’t keep from laughing.

She was truly a marvel to watch in action.

“Mickie, wait. We can work this out.” Mark held up his hands. A bead of sweat ran from his forehead down the side of his face. “Please.”

Mickie held up her hand. “Mark, don’t beg. It’s pitiful. I’ve decided not to pursue the lawsuit.”

Her manager breathed a sigh of relief.

She did? Why the hell wouldn’t she go after the asshole with everything she had?

“Would you care to guess why?”

“Um, because you know I made a mistake and it won’t happen again?” There was a pitiful note of pleading in her manager’s voice.

Laughing, Mickie shook her head. “Oh no, that’s not it. It’s because it would take up too much of my time. Once I walk out that door today, I plan to never think of you again and a lawsuit would make that impossible. So as long as you forget you’ve ever met me, I’ll leave you alone to run your business as usual. Are we good?”

Though Keith felt Mark was getting off much easier than he deserved, he was fucking proud of her. Head held high, she turned to her attorney. “I think we’re done here, Angelica.”

“I believe we are.”

Mickie strode toward the exit like a queen walking to her throne. Just before she reached the door that would open to the room he and Ralph occupied, she stopped and turned. “Oh,” she said, slapping a palm to her forehead. “I almost forgot. I was angry after you showed up in Vermont to blackmail me. And in my emotional state, I may have emailed a few of your clients to let them know of the gross violations of the NDA and to warn them to be wary of working with you. So…” She grimaced as though regretting her actions but everyone in the damn room knew differently. “I apologize if you lose a quite few clients over it. My bad.”

Then with a victorious laugh, she yanked the door open and came face to face with him.

“Keith.” she whispered on a gasp as she stopped dead in her tracks.

“Well, my work here is done,” Ralph said. “I’ll be downstairs waiting to chauffer your asses out of here when you’re ready.” He sashayed over to Mickie and smacked a kiss on her cheek. Then he did the same to Keith.

“Sorry,” he said, not sounding a bit remorseful. “You’ll have to get used to that if you’re going to be part of the family.”

But Keith barely paid him any mind. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Mickie.

“Geez, I’d be offended if you weren’t taken,” Ralph muttered as he snuck out of the room.

“Um, how much of that did you see?” She stepped in the room, letting the door close behind her.

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