Hardly a Husband (Free Fellows League 3) - Page 105

A beautiful carriage drawn by a matched set of gray horses and complete with driver and footman was parked below. On the seat of the carriage was a huge bow. The driver looked up and waved. Sarah turned back to the footman. "You can't mean that that… "

"Happy anniversary, miss," the footman said.

"It's beautiful."

"It's yours, miss," the footman told her. "As are we. I'm Edwards. The other footman is Cooper. And the driver is — "

"Mr. Birdwell!" Sarah exclaimed as she recognized the driver.

"Yes, miss." Edwards nodded. "His lordship asked me to relay the message that he's trusting you not to leave London until he can apologize in person."

Sarah beamed. "You may tell his lordship that I'm not going anywhere until he apologizes in person."

"He'll be by later to do so." Edwards bowed. "Good morning, miss."

Sarah reached for her change purse, but Edwards shook his head. "No need, miss," he said. "I've been amply compensated." He withdrew from the doorway and closed the door after him.

Sarah waltzed about the room, then returned to the window and stared out at her beautiful carriage. She was still admiring it when a second knock sounded on the door.

She opened it to find a wizened little man dressed in the Marquess of Shepherdston's livery standing in the doorway. "I've a delivery for Miss Eckersley," he announced.

"I'm Miss Eckersley."

"This is for you, miss." He stepped away from the door, out of her line of sight for a moment, then presented her with a beautiful black leather lady's saddle.

"I don't ride," she said.

"May I?" the groom asked, nodding toward the sofa.

"Yes, of course." Sarah stepped back to allow the groom to deposit the saddle on the sofa.

He carefully placed the saddle on the arm of the sofa, then produced a cream-colored envelope engraved with the Marquess of Shepherdston's seal from inside his blouse and handed it to her.

Her name was written on the front in a thick, bold script. Sarah opened it and read: Please accept this token of my esteem and my sincerest apologies for neglecting to give you your Easter gifts. Jays. P.S. Look outside your window.

Sarah rushed to the window and looked down.

The footman, Edwards, stood behind the carriage holding the lead of a beautiful golden yellow horse who wore a big red ribbon tied around her neck. Edwards looked up and waved. Sarah waved back.

"His lordship asked me to tell you your new saddle is worthless unless it has a worthy mount beneath it."

"She's beautiful!" Sarah gushed.

"He's an eight-year-old gelding and will make you an excellent first horse, miss. His name is Merlin and he'll keep you safe while you learn to ride."

"I can't wait!"

The groom smiled. "His lordship knew that you would say that. He asked me to tell you that he trusts that you will not attempt to ride off until he can accompany you."

There it was again. The word trust. Sarah nodded. "You may tell his lordship that I am most trustworthy."

"Yes, miss." The groom doffed his hat. "I'm Toby, miss," he told her. "I'm the head groom at his lordship's stables and I trust that you will allow me to teach you to ride."

"I'd be honored," she said, softly, awed by the magnitude of Jarrod's generosity.

And there was more…

She accepted deliveries for the next two hours. She received a basket with a male spaniel puppy for her birthday and a soft orange furry kitten to mark the New Year, both of which promptly curled up beside her on the sofa and fell asleep. She received a huge bouquet of hothouse roses and a diamond tiara for Valentine's. A fur muff to mark Epiphany. A box of beautifully embroidered linen handkerchiefs and three silk shawls for Lady Day. A leatherbound set o

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
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