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Nauti Temptress (Nauti 8)

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Pushing through the front door, she ran to the car Natches had driven, surprised that he hadn’t driven his truck, hit the automatic lock, and slid inside the low-slung sports car quickly.

She had to adjust her seat so she could reach the gas pedal, but once she did she pushed the start button and felt the throbbing vibration of the powerful little Mercedes before reversing and turning, then sliding the vehicle into drive and roaring away from the cabin.

She should have kept her promise to Dawg, she thought.

She should have never given in to Brogan. She should have never given in to her own needs. If she hadn’t, then perhaps her heart would still be in one unbroken piece.


Dawg shook his head as the door slammed behind his sister’s livid form, his gaze locking on Brogan accusingly as the other man stared at the door with a piercing, intent look.

“Man, you are one stupid fucker,” he stated, pitiless. “I could almost feel sorry for you, but you brought every damned bit of it on yourself, and you know it. ”

“No. ” Brogan shook his head slowly, his gaze still locked on the door.

He was watching the heavy wood panel as though he actually thought Eve would walk back through the doorway at any moment.

“No?” Dawg glanced at his cousins before his gaze moved back to Brogan. “No what?” He looked back to Natches and Rowdy again. “Is he okay?”

Natches gave a brief, amused chuckle as they all watched Brogan take a step toward the door before pulling back almost immediately.

He raked his fingers through his hair.

“Knew better,” he mumbled peevishly as he left a spike of red-gold hair standing on end. “Fucking knew better. She’s a fucking Mackay. ”

Dawg actually growled.

Now, that was just damned uncalled-for.

“He’s in love. ” Natches snickered behind Dawg.

Dawg glowered back at his cousin. “I already fucking knew that. Thanks for the news flash, cuz. ”

“Then why get Eve to promise to stay away from him?” Rowdy was the one who asked that question.

Dawg wished he’d kept his damned mouth shut now.

“Fucking knew better. She’s a Mackay,” Brogan mumbled, drawing their attention back to him as he glared at the door again.

Brogan turned his gaze to the Mackays then.

“It’s your fucking fault,” Brogan accused Dawg. “You son of a bitch, if you had just left her the fuck alone. ”

“My fault?” Dawg would have shown him the business end of his fist if Rowdy hadn’t grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“You. ” Brogan’s lips pulled back from his teeth in a snarl. “Why didn’t you stay the fuck out of it?”

“Because she’s my sister, asshole!” he bellowed back at him.

“Someone needs to have a talk with your wife,” Brogan suggested snidely then. “I have a feeling she’d put a stop to your fucking meddling. ”

Dawg snorted, though he knew that was way too close to the truth. Behind him, Natches snickered.

“I warned you last year,” Dawg reminded him. “Didn’t I warn you, Brogan? You could step the hell out of what you were doing or you could stay away from my sister; it was your choice. ”

Yeah, Rowdy and Natches were both staring at him now as though he were crazy, but Dawg figured Brogan would end up letting the truth slip out of his mouth anyway, so he might as well strike first.

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