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Nauti Temptress (Nauti 8)

Page 77

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Brogan’s eyes narrowed in contempt before he turned and stalked across the house to the patio room, where he stood with his back to them, obviously staring out into the woods beyond the house.

“What have you done, Dawg?” Rowdy muttered.

Dawg grimaced at the question. “Protected my sister. ”

“I wonder how you would react to it if Christa’s brother Alex up and decided to protect his sister in the same way?”

“Kill him. ” He shrugged as though he would do just that.

He wouldn’t, but hell, it would be damned close.

“What was the threat?” Rowdy bit out, obviously pissed now. “You had to have had a threat to go with it. ”

Dawg shifted uncomfortably beneath his cousin’s glare as he dropped his arms from across his chest and gave the other man a scorching look. “What threat? What do I have to threaten him with?” he muttered.

Brogan turned back to them then, and Dawg wondered whether he had been unlucky enough that the other man had heard the question.

“Dawg, what the fuck did you do?” Rowdy’s no-nonsense tone had him breathing out roughly.

The threat had been a simple one. Dawg still had connections, major connections at the Department of Homeland Security and among the politicians that could make or break a man’s career in law enforcement. Dawg had simply told Brogan that if he was an agent, and if he did care anything about his career, then he’d understand the ramifications of Eve’s heart getting broken.

His father might well be the director of

Homeland Security, but that wouldn’t save Brogan’s place in the Federal Protective Service if Dawg wanted him out of there.

Brogan chose that moment to stalk through the house and disappeared into a room up the short hall. The bedroom, no doubt, Dawg thought.

“Maybe I should just tell Kelly what happened today and see if she wants to ask Christa if she knows what’s going on,” Rowdy suggested.

Hell, he was getting tired of this. Every time his two yahoo cousins went blabbing on him, Dawg managed to do without his wife’s tender touch for far too long. At this rate, they were going to cause him to have to just start knocking heads together again instead of trying to be nice about things.

“We didn’t come up here to hurt Eve or piss Brogan off,” Rowdy reminded him as the door slammed behind Brogan with enough force that Dawg swore the windows rattled.

“He’s not going to listen to us right now,” Dawg reminded him testily. “He’s going to be too busy feeling sorry for himself. ”

“And whose fault is that?” Natches questioned behind him.

“Would you two stop acting as though this is all my fault?” Dawg questioned them incredulously. “I didn’t do anything. ”

“You breathe, Dawg,” Rowdy accused him bluntly. “You breathe. Some days that’s seriously all it takes. ”

The bedroom door jerked open so hard it crashed against the inside wall as they turned and stared at Brogan in surprise.

He was carrying two small bags; one was obviously Eve’s.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Dawg inquired sarcastically.

“Wherever she went,” Brogan informed them ruthlessly as he stalked to the door. “Stay as long as you like. There’s nothing here that’s mine. ”

“We didn’t show up here to watch you stalk off, asshole,” Dawg called out as they followed close on his heels until he reached Timothy’s pickup.

“No, you accomplished what you showed up to do,” Brogan informed them, keeping his voice calm. He’d caused Eve enough heartache and pain; he wouldn’t compound it by sending her brother and cousins to the hospital. Not unless they forced him to it.

“Well, there was that,” Dawg agreed with a vein of amusement behind the words. “But that’s not the only reason we’re here. ”

“I’m already aware someone tried to break into her room. ” Thank God for Eli and Jed. Brogan wasn’t certain Doogan would have told him, if it had been left up to him.

“Well, there was that,” Dawg repeated. “But once again, not the only reason we’re here. ”

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