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Be with Me (Return to Haven 2)

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“In theory that sounds great.” Jade rubbed her hand up and down Melanie’s back. “This will take some time, but we’re right here for you. Tanner is going to be fine. He’s a smart cop.”

The instant burn in her throat and nose gave Melanie about a minute’s warning before the tears started falling. She had no clue how to keep her emotions at bay, so she opted to just let them go.

“You’re going to need to remain calm,” Livie said. “Think of the baby. Think of Tanner. He wouldn’t want you getting this upset, right? Wouldn’t he tell you there’s nothing to worry about and he’ll be fine?”

Melanie sniffed and nodded. “He would. Damn it, I just feel so helpless doing nothing but waiting and watching.”

“Honestly, that’s all the cops are doing, too,” Jade added. “They’re waiting and watching for this guy to make a move or give himself up.”

Melanie concentrated on breathing slowly, on remaining as calm as she could for the baby. “I just want to do something.”

“What were you doing before the news broke?” Livie asked.

“I was working on my blogs and getting them scheduled for the next week, and then I was going to attempt to make dinner.”

Jade laughed. “Wow. You really are getting into this whole domestic life. What were you going to make?”

“Well, I’m usually only good at throwing things together and winging it for experiments to use on my blog. But I thought I’d make an actual dinner that didn’t involve kale or spinach.” She smiled, thinking of how she’d been so eager to surprise Tanner. “He’s more of a meat-and-potatoes type of guy.”

“Most Southern guys are,” Livie chimed in. “It’s how they were raised.”

Jade patted Melanie’s knee. “Why don’t we start dinner. Tanner is going to be tired and hungry when he gets home.”

Melanie stared at the television. “I should call his mom,” she muttered. “I’m sure she’s heard, but I feel like I need to call her.”

“You go call her.” Livie came to her feet. “Jade and I will start dinner, and you need to remain calm. Okay? Everything will work out and Tanner will be home before you know it.”

Melanie nodded. At least there was a plan.

Jade stood up and extended her hand to help Melanie to her feet. “Thanks, guys,” Melanie said, looking from one concerned friend to the other. “I’m glad I’m not alone.”

“We wouldn’t let you be alone,” Livie told her. “Now go call his mom.”

With Teresa living an hour away, Melanie wasn’t sure if she’d heard the news or not, but she needed to be informed. Melanie used her cell and sat on the sofa, making sure to keep her eyes locked on the television for any new updates.

She waited, but the phone just kept ringing. Ultimately, Melanie ended up leaving a message to call back. She really didn’t want to discuss the situation over voicemail.

Soon, tempting scents started wafting from the kitchen. A news anchor stood in front of the camera and gave an update that the cops were in negotiations with the gunman. Moments later in the background, Melanie saw two women running from the front of the bank. Tanner and another officer ran up to meet them and escorted them to safety.

The sun was starting to set. Who knew how much longer this would go on, but Melanie would be right here waiting for Tanner to come home. Because as soon as he walked through that door, she was going to tell him she loved him. There were no doubts and there was no promise of another day. If she wanted him to know how she felt, she couldn’t hold off any longer.

Chapter Seventeen

Broken crayons still color.

—Mel’s Motivational Blog

“She’s asleep.”

Jade whispered as she came to her feet from the oversized leather chair and folded the throw blanket.

Tanner wasn’t a bit surprised to walk in and see Jade and Livie in his living room. Livie sat on the sofa with Melanie’s feet in her lap. Livie’s head tipped back against the cushion as she slept, Melanie’s head rested on the arm of the couch, and Jade rubbed her eyes and shoved her hair back from her face. This had definitely been a long night for everyone, and he was relieved to know Melanie hadn’t spent it alone.

The muted television flickered, showing some late night infomercial about knives.

“She’s been rooted to this spot all night, but she finally couldn’t take it anymore,” Jade explained, then placed a hand on his arm. “How are you? You look ready to drop.”

Tanner rolled his shoulders and blew out a sigh. “I’m exhausted, but relieved the events turned out the way they did. Things could’ve gone so much worse.”

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