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Be with Me (Return to Haven 2)

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When the gunman’s wife had come onto the scene, she’d called her husband and hours later she finally managed to talk him into giving himself up. He was now in custody. His poor wife and children not only reeled from their main source of support losing his job, but now he also faced criminal charges. It was a tough situation, but all in all the day could’ve ended tragically. At least everyone was safe.

“Thanks for staying with her,” Tanner whispered. “I worried she’d be stressed, but there was no way I could call her.”

“She knows.” Jade reached around to the table by the door and grabbed her keys. “Livie and I will get out of here and let you get some rest.”

Jade walked over and nudged Livie awake. When she glanced up and saw Tanner, she smiled and then eased out from under Melanie’s legs. Livie crossed the room and wrapped her arms around him, giving him that brotherly squeeze he’d come to love from her.

“Glad you’re safe,” she murmured before easing back. “If you’re hungry, dinner is in the fridge.”

“Thanks, guys. I mean it. I don’t know where Melanie would be without you.”

Jade smiled. “We think the same about you.”

Tanner didn’t question her reply. Melanie definitely didn’t need him, but he sure as hell needed her.

After Melanie’s friends left, Tanner locked the door and reset the alarm. He turned back to look at the woman on his sofa. Even in her sleep her brows were drawn in, her fist clenched up by her cheek. The worry she must’ve experienced had obviously carried over into her nap.

To know she had been here pretty much holding vigil for him, worrying for him, had Tanner feeling so . . . well, relieved. He’d never had someone waiting like this. Oh, his mother always fretted about his job, but to have Melanie in his life was something he couldn’t explain.

He removed his holster and his gun and took them upstairs to his room, placing them in the safe in his closet. He grabbed a quick shower and threw on a pair of shorts and came back down to the living room. Melanie slept on.

The soft light from the television flashed shadows onto her face. Her long lashes feathered over her porcelain skin. The worry lines between her brows remained and he wished he could’ve shielded her from any stress.

After all she’d been through this evening, would she even want to be with him? Would she see this as a reason to push him away and safeguard her heart? Would she want to have a family life with a man who put his life on the line? He’d never thought about it until now, but there were no guaranteed days of ease on his job. Yes, the crime rate in Haven was low for the most part, but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be danger.

Had this night changed Melanie’s heart? He knew she was falling for him. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind. She trusted him, she stayed with him, they were having a child. Their bond had only grown stronger over the past month. Hell, his mother was in love with her. Every piece of the puzzle lined up perfectly for a dynamic future if she was ready to discuss their future.

Tanner couldn’t imagine coming home without her here now. He’d gotten so used to her, had gotten in the routine of making sure her water and crackers were on the nightstand before he left for work. He’d gotten used to discussing their days when he came home in the evenings.

Still, she brought one outfit at a time in her little bag, claiming just one more night. She slept in his shirts, in his bed . . . and took up a heavy portion of his heart.

Tanner bent down and scooped her up into his arms, careful not to jostle her too much. Her head lolled over to his shoulder. Her bare cheek rested against his chest and her soft, warm breath tickled him as he carried her up the staircase.

Never before had he been one to think poetic thoughts, but he literally felt his heart clench at the idea that he was carrying his entire world right here. The baby, Melanie . . . he’d do anything for them and he wanted them to stay here. Forever.

Hell, he hadn’t even told her he loved her yet and was already wanting to put that ring on her finger.

Between Livie and Jax’s wedding and the turn of events today on the job, Tanner looked at life in a whole new light. He wasn’t waiting any longer to go after what he wanted.

The moonlight cast horizontal slivers through the blinds in his room. The pale glow slashed across the bed like stripes as he laid Melanie on the covers. The moment he let go, she stirred, her lids fluttered and he waited as he watched her come to.

When she focused in on him, she shot straight up and came to her feet. In an instant, she threw her arms around him. Tanner took a step back as the weight of her body knocked him off balance.

“Hey, I’m fine,” he assured her, squeezing her tight.

Relief radiated off her as she turned her head toward his neck, needing to inhale that familiar, masculine scent that only belonged to Tanner. Her fingers lacing through his hair and trembled against him.

“You scared the hell out of me,” she muttered.

“I can take care of my

self,” he assured her. “Nothing to worry about.”

Melanie eased back, her hair an absolute mess around her face, but she was stunning and he loved her. Damn, he didn’t want to wait another moment.

Pushing her hair back, Tanner framed her face with his hands and forced her eyes on his. “I want you to move in,” he started. “None of this just one night at a time. I want you permanently in my bed. I love you, Mel.”

She pulled in a shaky breath and gripped his wrists. “As in, you love me or you’re in love with me? Or that you want to love me so we can try to make this family work?”

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