Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 61

“First, Simon hasn’t filed his petition.”


“Second, if he’s allowed to campaign, you’re going to defeat him, so stop worrying about Simon and let’s figure out what we’re going to do about Leo.”

“There isn’t anything to do. He broke up with me.”

“He’ll come around, Doreen. Just give him time.” Megan checked her watch. “Come on. We need to open the store.”

Doreen followed Megan out of the kitchen. “He wants me to choose between him and the mayor’s office. I don’t know why I can’t have both.”

“This is the twenty-first century. You can have both.” Megan’s voice was tight with indignation.

“Not in Leo’s world.” Doreen peeked around Megan at the sight of a customer waiting outside. “Is that Alonzo?”

Alonzo tipped his brown felt campaign hat at them from the other side of the front door. Megan turned the lock to let him in.

“Morning, ladies.” The sheriff crossed the threshold, tucking his hat under his arm. He looked very official in his short-sleeved tan shirt, black tie, and spruce green gabardine pants.

“Good morning, Alonzo.” Doreen’s worries eased under the warmth of her old friend’s regard.

“Are you making Books and Bakery part of your morning routine?” Megan’s tone teased him.

Alonzo nodded toward Doreen. “I could get used to Doreen’s breakfasts.”

Doreen led him back to the café, while Megan went to her office. “That’s nice to hear, Alonzo. But the scrambled eggs and bacon you order aren’t anything fancy.”

Alonzo’s husky chuckle further lightened her mood. “You haven’t had my eggs and bacon, or my coffee.”

“Tired of your own cooking?”

“And my own company.” A dimple appeared at the right corner of Alonzo’s mouth.

“I can understand that.” Doreen remembered those lonely mornings after Paul had died.

She continued behind the counter as Alonzo settled onto one of the stools. She poured him a mug of coffee, careful to leave room for cream this time.

“Thank you.” Alonzo’s gaze was direct but wary. “I need to tell you something.”

Doreen returned the coffee to its warmer, then searched his eyes. “What is it?”

Alonzo held her gaze. “Simon again asked me to sign his petition. I—”

“I understand, Alonzo.” Doreen looked away. “If Simon wants a chance to campaign for office, we don’t have the right to stand in his way.”

“I didn’t sign his petition.”

Doreen’s head snapped around in surprise. “What?”

“I don’t want to call Simon Knight ‘Mayor.’” Alonzo stirred cream into his coffee. “But I thought you should know he’s accusing you of exerting undue influence on your customers to convince them not to sign his petition.”

“Thanks for letting me know.” Doreen studied Alonzo’s proud, tan features, his kind coffee eyes. “Why haven’t you ever married?”

Alonzo sipped his coffee. “Never found the right woman.”

“You’re only a few years older than me. Are you telling me you’ve never been in love?”

His gaze wavered. “I didn’t say that.”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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