Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 62

“Morning, Ms. Doreen.” Darius interrupted them.

Doreen reluctantly turned away from Alonzo. “Good morning, Darius. The usual?”

Darius settled onto the seat beside the sheriff. “Yes, ma’am.”

She filled Darius’s mug with coffee. “Two orders of bacon and eggs coming up.”

Darius sensed Alonzo’s tension beside him. It didn’t take a mind reader to know he’d interrupted something important. “Morning, Sheriff.”

Alonzo pulled his gaze from the kitchen door through which Doreen had disappeared. “Morning. I was surprised you hadn’t written the Monitor article about your father.”

“It would’ve been a conflict of interest.” Darius was satisfied with his cover story. It wasn’t a lie.

“Is that right? I think you would’ve done a better job, though.” Alonzo drank more coffee.

Darius inclined his head. “Thanks.”

“Saw you heading out of town again Saturday. You left later than usual.”

“You don’t miss much, do you?”

“Wouldn’t be much of a sheriff if I did.” Alonzo met Darius’s gaze. “You’ve visited this person every weekend for years. Must be very special.”

“Is there a question in your future?” Darius enjoyed the game of wits with the sheriff.

Alonzo shook his head. “Just an observation.”

“I have a couple of questions for you.”

“Is that right?”

“Why would a person return to his hometown after more than forty years? And why wouldn’t he go after the person he’d come back for?”

To the casual observer, the sheriff appeared relaxed. But Darius noticed the tight grip with which his companion held his mug.

“You’d have to ask that person.” Alonzo’s gaze flickered, but he didn’t look awa


“I just did.” Darius picked up his own mug and savored his coffee. “I’m glad Quincy finally found the courage to admit his feelings to Ramona. He’s a changed man now, much happier. What do you think?”

“Yes, he is.”

“They say confession is good for the soul, Sheriff.” Darius’s words echoed in his own mind. Maybe confession would be good for Simon’s soul as well. Should he dare force the issue?


“Doreen invited me to Quincy and Ramona’s going-away party.” Audra’s delivery seemed deceptively casual.

Jack packed their breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. He watched Audra scrub the pan she’d used to cook their breakfast this Tuesday morning.

“Would you like to go together?”

“Yes, I would.” She tossed him a smile as she set the pan on the drain board.

Audra and Jack had fallen into a morning routine: a five-mile run, breakfast, then a kiss before work. He was getting used to it. Perhaps, too used to it.

“Thank you.”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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