Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 71

Audra jerked her head toward the hovering camcorder. “What’s going on?”

Ramona chuckled. “Belinda offered to videotape the party, since Quincy’s parents couldn’t make the trip from Florida.” She waved toward the camera lens. “Hi, Mr. and Ms. Spates.”

Belinda Curby, owner of Skin Deep Beauty Salon, lowered her video equipment. Her brown face glowed with enthusiasm. “I got the camera for Christmas, but I haven’t been able to really use it. This is a lot of fun.”

Belinda weaved her way closer to the group of friends surrounding Quincy. “Darius, say something to the camera.”

Darius lowered his drink. His smile looked strained. “Belinda, this is the second time you’ve asked me that. Shouldn’t you be taping Quincy? The video’s for his parents.”

Just then, an older woman joined the group. “Well, Jack Sansbury, does a person have to leave town to shake you out of the woods?”

Jack bent over to embrace the tiny newcomer. “Ms. Helen, I’m glad to see you’re still alive.”

Audra’s gasp was drowned by Ms. Helen’s laughter.

“So am I, you rascal.” Ms. Helen reached up to slap Jack’s chest. “What is this I hear about a woman staying at the cabins? Do you need a chaperone?”

“No, ma’am.” Jack offered his hand to Audra. “Audra Lane, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Helen Gaston.”

Audra shook the older woman’s small, frail hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Gaston.”

“Don’t pay Jack any mind, hon. He’s been away from civilization so long he’s forgotten that everyone calls me Ms. Helen.” The older lady looked Audra over with a critical eye. “Your name is familiar to me. Who are your people?”

Audra hesitated, unsure what Ms. Helen meant. “I’m from California.”

“Where in California?” The older lady wasn’t easily put off.

“Near Los Angeles.”

Ms. Helen mulled that over. “We won’t hold that against you. How long are you staying?”

“I’ll be here for the Founders Day Celebration.”

“Good.” Ms. Helen nodded once with decision. “Enjoy Trinity Falls. You know what they say, ‘You only live once. But if you do it right, once is all you’ll ever need.’”

Ms. Helen excused herself to join the buffet line. Audra, Jack, and his friends followed her. There were chicken dishes in a variety of spices, vegetables, salads, fruits, and carbohydrates. The desserts looked to have come from Books & Bakery. Audra hadn’t realized how hungry she was until all of that food was laid out in front of her. The music changed three times while she was filling her plate. The songs were all popular club anthems, Ne-Yo, Beyoncé, Pink, and Alicia Keys. She wiggled her shoulders during a particularly engaging bridge.

Jack leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Do you need more room so you can dance your way through the buffet line?”

“I can’t help it. Reflex.” She glanced toward the open floor behind them. “Will there be dancing later?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged the broad shoulders she intended to wrap in her arms later.

After filling her plate, Audra followed Jack, weaving her way around other hungry guests with loaded dishes. She stopped frequently to observe neighbors who greeted Jack with stunned pleasure. Some people she recognized as Books & Bakery regulars. Many others she hadn’t seen before. Either way, she’d never remember all of their names.

Jack finally guided Audra to a table toward the front of the room, where Quincy and Ramona already sat with Ean, Megan, Darius, and Ms. Helen.

Doreen sat on Audra’s other side. She leaned in closer and lowered her voice. “You’ve been here just two weeks. In that time, Jack has cut his hair, shaved his beard, and bought new clothes. Yo

u’ve brought him back to the community.”

“I didn’t have anything to do with his coming tonight,” Audra whispered back. “He wanted to be here.”

“And he wanted to be here because of you.”

Across the table, a young woman stopped to say hello to Ms. Helen, then lingered over Darius. There was a lot of hair twirling and even more giggling before she moved on.

Audra returned her attention to Doreen. “I don’t deserve any credit. This is all Jack.”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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