Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 72

Another attractive woman came to pay her respects to Ms. Helen before exchanging words with Darius. This visitor found a number of times and various ways to touch the reporter. Ms. Helen eventually shooed the young woman away.

Audra speared her mac and cheese as she looked around the room. Several people turned away as though embarrassed to be caught staring. Others smiled and nodded their approval. Of what?

“You’re good for him.” Doreen picked up her silverware, then froze as something across the room surprised her.

Audra followed Doreen’s gaze. Leonard was in the buffet line, laughing with another woman. Audra hadn’t met his companion. She was attractive, tall, and thin. She appeared to be around Leonard’s age, though her bright pink summer dress and flirtatious manner made her seem much younger.

Audra’s gaze skipped back to their table and the empty seat between Ms. Helen and Doreen. She’d assumed it was for Leonard. “Isn’t Leo joining us?”

“Apparently not.” Doreen dug into her food with jerky movements.

“Who’s he with?” Not that Audra had the right to ask. She watched Doreen stuff a forkful of green beans into her mouth and chew. Could she even taste it?

Doreen washed down her food with ice water before answering. “Yvette Bates. She’s one of Heritage High’s English teachers.”

Audra glanced toward the food line again, then turned back to Doreen. There was hurt in the woman’s warm brown eyes. “Did the two of you break up?”

Doreen lowered her gaze. “A week ago tomorrow.”

Audra’s jaw dropped. “And he’s already dating?”

“He’s looking for a wife. I guess there’s no time to waste.”

“I’m sorry.” Audra watched Doreen move her food around her plate.

Across the table, Quincy, Ean, and Darius exchanged brotherly banter. Even Jack joined in the reminiscences from their high school escapades. Laughter rose from their table, seemingly oblivious to Doreen’s dampened spirits.

“Is this seat taken?” A warm drawl interrupted their conversation.

Audra glanced up. She hadn’t noticed Alonzo’s approach. He was a handsome man with warm olive skin, wavy black hair, and laughing coffee eyes. He stood behind the empty chair next to Doreen, waiting to hear whether someone else had a prior claim to the seat. A chorus of “no” answered him. Audra wondered at the pleased expressions around the table. Perhaps she’d been wrong. Perhaps the others had noticed Leonard and his date at the buffet line.

As the sheriff and Doreen engaged in conversation, Audra turned her attention to Jack. His hot onyx gaze was waiting for her.

He leaned in close. “Are you having a good time?”

Audra could feel his body heat, smell his skin. She sipped her ice water before answering. “Yes, I am. Are you?”

“Better than I thought I would. I’m glad you’re here with me.” His husky tone was foreplay.

“People are still staring at us.”

“Does it bother you?” Jack folded her hand in his.

“A little.”

“Don’t let it. Ignore them.”

Easier said than done. Audra looked around the table. Ean and Megan, Quincy and Ramona, neither couple seemed hungry, at least not for food. A steady stream of women continued to visit with Ms. Helen and flirt with Darius.

Belinda appeared, nudging the latest female visitor to the side. “Darius, say something for the camera.”

Darius shook his head with a sigh. “Belinda, go bother Quincy.”

Ms. Helen threw back her head with a laugh.

“Everyone, may I have your attention, please?” Councilwoman CeCe Roben interrupted the festivities, looking very professional in a navy blue dress and pearls.

Audra shifted on her seat to face the podium in the front of the room. Her knees grazed Jack’s thighs. His heated gaze caused the breath to lodge in her throat. He gently squeezed her hand, then turned his attention to the councilwoman.

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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