Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 74

Ramona frowned. “I don’t?”

Jack sat back on his seat. “I’m glad Darius had the presence of mind to ask Wesley to shut off the mic.”

Ms. Helen pressed a thin hand to her small chest. “Oh yes. It could have been much worse.”

Doreen rubbed her forehead. Her eyes were shadowed with concern. “I had no idea Simon would think he had to have equal time at the podium after I spoke. I’m so sorry.”

Alonzo covered Doreen’s hand with his. “That wasn’t your fault. You weren’t making a

political speech.”

Others in the group voiced their agreement.

Several minutes later, Darius returned to their table. Color stained his sharp cheekbones. His classic features were stiff. He folded himself onto his chair before looking at Quincy, Ramona, Ean, and Megan. “I apologize to everyone, but especially to you. That was—”

“Knock it off,” Quincy interrupted him. “We’re not so simple that we’re going to hold you responsible for what your father does and says.”

“Ask me to dance.” Ms. Helen demanded Darius’s attention.

Darius stood again. “Ms. Helen, would you give me the honor of this dance?” His grateful smile was close but not quite up to his usual wattage.

Ms. Helen put her hand in Darius’s and let him escort her to the makeshift dance floor. The music changed again. Beyoncé’s “Angel” was taking a turn on the CD player. The dance floor grew more crowded as people—young, old, and otherwise—joined Ms. Helen and Darius.

Alonzo stood. He offered his hand to Doreen. “May I have this dance?”

Doreen smiled her surprise. “I’d love to.”

Ramona and Megan both tugged their grudging partners from the table. Audra looked at Jack.

He gave her a bashful smile that oozed sex appeal. “I suppose you want to dance.”

“Yes, I do.” She returned his smile.

“It’s been quite a few years since I even attempted it.”

“I remember a night not so long ago.”

His onyx eyes twinkled. “It’s coming back to me.”

Audra placed both hands on the hard muscles of his left thigh. They flexed beneath her palms. Her body reacted. She dropped her voice. “Consider it foreplay.”

“In that case . . .” Jack stood.

They found a spot on the edge of the dance floor. Jack wrapped his arms around her waist and she twined hers behind his neck. His heat seeped into her wine-red dress. Audra felt safe and warm in his embrace. She could stay like this forever.

In fact, tonight everyone seemed under a spell in Trinity Falls: Ean and Megan. Quincy and Ramona. The expression on Alonzo’s face as he held Doreen in his arms revealed more of his feelings than he’d probably intended.

Nearby, Leonard’s mask of dislike as he glared at the couple startled Audra. She sensed Doreen’s ex-lover knew he’d made a mistake in bringing a date to the party.

“Are you having a good time?” Jack whispered in her ear.

Audra shivered at the sensation, promptly forgetting Leonard. “I am. This is one of many nights I’ll always remember.”

Jack drew her closer. “And the night’s not over yet.”

Hours later, Jack pulled onto the graveled driveway in front of Audra’s garage, then followed her to her cabin. If someone had told him two weeks ago, he’d spend the night dancing—and enjoy it—he would have had that person drug tested. But that’s what had happened tonight. It hadn’t been as much fun as dancing on Audra’s patio, though.

Audra let him inside. “I’ve been to a lot of functions, but Quincy and Ramona’s going-away party tonight was definitely my favorite.”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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