Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 75

Her cell phone rang before he could agree.

“Who would be calling you this late?” Jack closed and locked the door behind them.

“It may be ten P.M. here, but it’s only seven in California.” Audra dug her cell phone from her purse. A look of annoyance creased her forehead before she tossed her phone onto her sofa. It stopped ringing.

“Who was it?” Jack knew the answer.

“Wendell.” Audra drew her fingers through her thick dark hair.

“He’s still calling you?” That sounded like jealousy threatening to darken his mood.

“I’ve told him to stop.”

The thought of another man pursuing Audra didn’t sit well with Jack. It made him feel like that fairy-tale beast Audra had compared him to weeks ago. His reaction was a problem. He was falling deeper under her magic, and that scared him to death. Jack fisted his hands. What would he do when it was time to say good-bye?

He took a deep breath, then another. Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow. He wanted to love Audra tonight. He wanted to give her so much pleasure that she wouldn’t remember any lover before him or imagine any after him. Wasn’t that how he felt? He couldn’t imagine any other woman in his arms. Ever. He was falling deep. He was falling hard.

Jack closed the distance between them. “I don’t want to think about Wendell.”

“Neither do I.” Audra spoke on a sigh that went straight to his blood.

Jack lowered his head to kiss her. Once again, her taste shot through his system like pure alcohol, making his head spin. He held her loosely in his arms. Audra’s palms rested on his chest. Still kissing her, Jack walked her backward toward her bedroom, shedding their clothes as they went.

Audra smiled against his lips as she unbuttoned his shirt. “I love a man who can multitask.”

Jack chuckled as he helped her take off his shirt. There was something sexy about teasing each other while making love.

He unzipped her dress. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Audra kicked off her shoes on her way into her bedroom. She shimmied out of her underwear. Jack watched her movements as he stripped off the rest of his clothes. He could watch her anywhere, all the time. In a crowded room or when it was just the two of them. Reading the paper or making love.

Jack pulled a condom from his wallet and tossed it toward her nightstand. It slid to a stop on the table’s surface.

Naked, he went to her, stopping only a breath away. With his fingertips, he traced her lips and touched her hair. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

Her smile was soft. Her skin was flushed. “You make me feel sexy and beautiful.”

His hand followed where his gaze traveled over her body—breasts, waist, hips, arms. “It’s not just the way you look. It’s the way you move.” He bent his head to nuzzle her neck. “The way you smell. It’s who you are. You drive me crazy.”

Audra crawled onto her bed, tugging Jack with her. “You’re my Prince Charming. I was sleeping before I met you.” Her gaze dipped to his mouth. “You woke me with a kiss.”

Jack shook his head as he followed her onto the mattress. “I’m no one’s idea of Prince Charming. But you make me feel as though I could be.”

Audra drew his head down for another soul-searing kiss. He pulled her closer into his embrace. Her lips were sweet beneath his. Her breasts were soft against his chest. Her hands smoothed down his back, stopping just above his hips.

They were a contradiction, the feelings building in him with her touch. He wanted to take her fast and hard. At the same time, he wanted to be gentle and move slowly. He’d never been with a woman who touched so many parts of him. Audra challenged his mind, healed his heart, and made his body throb and ache.

Jack drew her down to the mattress beside him. He kissed her longer, his tongue playing with hers. With his fingertips, he traced her side, from the swell of her breast to the curve of her hip. He wanted her to burn for him, just as she was making him burn.

He raised his head. “Tell me what you like.”

Audra searched his eyes. “With you, everything.”

“Good answer.” He smoothed his hand over her breast, gently pinching her puckered nipple. “Do you like that?”

“Yes.” Audra’s breath was short.

He drew his fingertips down her body to her navel. Audra’s stomach muscles quivered. “And that?”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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