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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

Page 85

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“That’s the hospital,” said Monk, standing. “I’m sorry, but I have to get it.”


“Perrin,” he answered.

“Mr. Perrin, Mr. Yáñez’s family asked us to contact you.”

Monk held his breath. It was Christmas. Had Onyx really given up his fight for life on the holiest of holidays?

“Mr. Yáñez is awake, sir. They wanted us to let you know right away.”

Monk’s eyes opened wider. “Please repeat what you just said.”

“Mr. Yáñez is awake. He’s also communicative. This is a direct quote, sir. He said, ‘Where is that bastard, Monk, who’s been talking my ears off.’”

He reached around Saylor, standing next to him, and pulled her body close to his.

“Sir, the family asked if you would come back to the hospital?”

His eyes met Saylor’s, and she nodded.

“I’ll be right there.” He ended the call but didn’t move. “Is this real?” he murmured.

Saylor pinched his side. “Did you feel that?”

“Do it again. Harder.”

She smiled.

“Yeah, I felt it.”

“It’s real, Monk. It’s a Christmas miracle.”

“Onyx’s family has asked that I come back to the hospital. I know it’s late. I hate to leave—”

“I’m going with you.”

“Right. Okay.” Monk looked around the apartment. What did he need to do before they left? How long might they be gone? “You haven’t eaten.”

“That’s what hospital cafeterias are for. Although right now, I’m too excited to eat.”

He raised an eyebrow, and Saylor swatted his stomach.

“Excited that Onyx is awake.”

He was smiling. In fact, he was smiling so much his face was beginning to ache. How long had it been since he really smiled? Sometimes he laughed when he told Onyx one of his stories, but the laughter ended quickly when he stopped and prayed that one day soon, his friend would laugh with him.

“They said he asked for me.”

“Of course he did. Let’s go see him.”

Monk cupped her cheek with his palm. “Thank you, baby, for understanding.”

SAYLOR TOLD him she’d wait outside the ICU, but Monk dragged her with him.

“He’s heard more about you in the last few weeks than anything or anyone else.”

“I don’t want to be intrusive.”

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