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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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Monk refused to let go of her hand. Their visit would be brief anyway. Not only had the man just come out of a coma, his entire family was in town. The ICU only allowed two visitors at a time. He’d go in, talk to his friend for a few minutes, and then they’d head back to his loft.

When they exited the elevator and the door opened, Onyx’s mother ran to him before he could step out.

“Es un milagro,” she exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks. “My son, he asks for you,” she said in a thick Hispanic accent. When the elevator doors closed with him still standing in the threshold, Onyx’s mother let go of him, and he stepped around her.

“This is Saylor,” he said, taking her hand.

“Sí, you’ve spoken of her often.” She gave him a shove. “Go now.”

Monk walked past Onyx’s brothers and sisters, nodding at each of them as he went. They all looked so happy.

When he eased the door open to the room where he’d spent countless hours, Onyx opened his eyes.

“What, did you go back to sleep?”

His friend smiled. “Being awake is exhausting.” Onyx looked past him. “Is that Saylor with you?”

Monk put his hand on the small of her back.

“It’s so good to see you,” she said, walking closer to his bed. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, and it’s good to be seen.” He reached out his hand to her. “He’s talked about you non-stop,” he said, motioning to Monk.


“He told me to hurry and wake the fuck up so he could go home.”

“Nice,” murmured Monk.

“Tell her it isn’t true,” said Onyx.

“She knows it is.”

Onyx motioned for Monk to get closer, and when he did, he grasped his hand. “You kept me alive, son.”

“You did that all on your own. And, by the way, I’m older than you are.”

Onyx smiled. “In age maybe, but certainly not in wisdom.”

Monk smiled back, and his eyes filled with tears. He’d prayed endlessly for this—to hear his friend’s voice giving him shit like he always did.

“We should go. Let some of your family get back in here.”

Onyx refused to loosen his grasp on Monk’s hand. “You are my family. You’re my brother. Even if you are a pain in the ass.”

“I’ll be back in the morning.”

Onyx shook his head. “Take the day off, son. You’ve earned it.”

Monk shook his head as well.

“I’ll instruct the nurses not to let you in.”

“They won’t listen. They like me.”

Onyx smiled. “Give me an hour, and they’ll like me better.”

No doubt, thought Monk. Onyx never had any trouble charming the ladies. He took a deep breath. Soon they’d have to talk about one lady in particular—Sofia “Corazón” Descanso—and what the hell happened in the hours that led up to the plane crash. There’d be time for that, though.

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