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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

Page 105

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“Tally called for backup, and that’s where he was. He and Cliff likely crossed paths.”

Saylor sat back down when she felt her legs give out. “He was at the school.”

Razor nodded. “I’m sorry, Sis.”

“We’re leaving. Not just to Manzanita.”

“I understand that reaction, but I still need time to put a bigger team together.”

“You know that thing I said about not being a prisoner? I won’t be a sitting duck either.”

“Give me until tomorrow morning.”

“What about Monk?”

“He’s meeting with Doc and Merrigan now at the Overleaf.”

She didn’t know they were in town, not that she needed to. “Is he leaving K19?”

“I don’t know.”


Monk didn’t have to be to the Overleaf for another hour, but he got on the bike anyway. He needed to settle his thoughts. His mind had raced since he’d talked to Doc, and he still hadn’t come up with anything definitive to discuss, except to own up to everything Razor said earlier, take responsibility for his actions, and suffer the consequences.

He had had his head up his ass, and no one had called him out on it until today. He hadn’t bothered to discuss his plan to stay in DC; he made the decision to do it and never looked back. What more could he do than offer his mea culpa and see what happened from there?

He rode south along the ocean for thirty miles and then turned around and rode back.

As he parked the bike, he saw a familiar-looking black SUV pull up to the inn’s entrance. Merrigan got out of the vehicle first and went inside; Doc walked over to where Monk was.

“It’s good to see you,” Doc said, putting his hand on Monk’s shoulder. “It’s been a rough few months. Let’s go inside.”

“What brings you to Oregon?” Monk asked as he followed Doc into the lobby.

“There’s a firm in Portland interested in hiring K19 for private security. We wanted to see their outfit in person before we came to any agreement.” Doc motioned to the sofa and two chairs inside an alcove where they could talk privately.

“Have a seat. I’ll see if I can round up something to drink. What would you like?”

“Water would be good, thanks.”

“Hello, Monk,” said Merrigan. He stood, she embraced him. “How are you?”

“Hanging in there. How are you?”

She motioned for him to take a seat. “We’re also hanging in there. I sometimes think my work with MI6 was far easier than knowing how to properly parent two wee ones, both with minds of their own. However, please know I’m not complaining.”

She smiled up at Doc when he came in with a pitcher of water and three glasses.

“Thanks,” Monk said when Doc handed him a glass and then sat down next to his wife.

“Kade tells me you wanted to meet. What would you like to discuss?” Merrigan asked, folding her hands on her lap.

“It’s been brought to my attention that I haven’t been living up to the obligations I agreed to when I became a K19 partner. I want you to know I take full responsibility.”

“The circumstances have been extenuating,” she responded, looking at Doc.

“It doesn’t excuse the fact that I made decisions without consulting you and have continued to do so.”

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