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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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“We all understood,” she murmured. “If we hadn’t, we would’ve asked.”

“If you still want me on the team, I’m ready to get back to work.”

Merrigan leaned forward. “You are part of the team, Monk. There isn’t any question of that. We’re more than a team, though. We’re family. Onyx is part of our family, and you did what you thought best for him.”

“There’s more.”

Merrigan raised a brow and then smiled and looked over at Doc again. “Saylor?”

“I’ve been back in Oregon since Tuesday, but no one knew that.”

Merrigan laughed, and so did Doc. “Everyone knew that, Monk. You flew with Alegria.”

“I’m going to jump in here if no one objects,” said Doc, not waiting for either of them to respond. “Razor has a bug up his ass, but it isn’t because of you. In his mind, he failed his sister, first by not making sure her ex-husband didn’t get paroled, and then when Cliff got so close to both Saylor and her daughters.”

“But I—”

“I’m not finished. I spoke to Razor on our way here. Let me fill you in on what is presently taking place. Later this afternoon, we’ll be leaving for Montecito. Saylor, her daughters, and Sally are going with us and will stay with us until Cliff is apprehended. You, Diesel, and Tally will remain on their detail until further notice, and you are the lead. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

Doc got up. “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

“Monk, I’m going to speak to you now as a woman and a friend rather than as managing partner of K19,” Merrigan said as Doc walked over to the bank of elevators. “You don’t have to respond. All I

ask is that you hear me out.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Merrigan smiled. “You’re at the same crossroads many of us have found ourselves at in the last few years. Perhaps, like me, you never thought being in a long-term relationship was possible given your line of work. Maybe it had nothing to do with your choice of career, but it still wasn’t something you believed was possible.”

Monk’s gaze never wavered; she’d asked him to hear her out, and he intended to do so.

“I will say only this. It’s possible, Monk. What’s more is, it’s worth it.”

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Did Merrigan know how hard her words were hitting?

“When I say the K19 team is a family, those aren’t just words,” she added. “We care about each other just as much as if we were related by blood. It isn’t solely about the mission, it’s about the lives we lead. You did nothing wrong when you made a commitment to stay with your brother, Onyx, as he recovered. You did nothing wrong when you left DC because you were concerned about Saylor’s safety. Do you have any questions, Monk?”

“Doc said I’m the lead on Saylor’s detail?”

“That’s right.”

“I should be with her.”


After her brother left, Saylor stayed out on the deck a few more minutes. The idea that Cliff had been at the girls’ school bothered her far more than him showing up at the house, and she needed to do a better job of masking her fear before she went inside to talk to Sierra and Savannah about their change of plans.

Razor’s response when she asked if Monk was leaving K19, added to her overall anxiety. Whether they were in a relationship or not, there was never anyone else who made her feel as safe as Monk did, not even her brother. If he did leave, she prayed he’d at least come and say a final goodbye.

She stood and stretched, rolling her shoulders to ease the tension in them, and went inside.

“Hello, Saylor.”

She looked up at the sound of her ex-husband’s voice. The man was standing in her kitchen.

“How did you get in here?”

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