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Out of Character (True Colors 2)

Page 69

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“Oh?” His eyes went wide. Shocking him was worth the mild embarrassment of admitting that. But if there was anyone on earth I trusted to do this with, it was Jasper. He made even my deepest desires safe and normal and possible.

“Yeah. So, you good with that?”

“More than. You’ve got no idea…” Jasper gave a shaky laugh then held up a trembling hand. “I want you. So much. You’re not the only one with fantasies.”

“Good.” I kissed him until he wasn’t the only one breathless and shuddering.

“We’ll go slow—”

“Not too slow. Want it. Promise.” I wriggled under him, trying to make my point, but only succeeded in turning myself on further.

“Me too. I want everything. Especially this…” Jasper rained little kisses down my neck, across my shoulders, and meandering all around my chest, like some sort of very adult version of connect the dots. Whatever it was, it was torture, all the little sparks with each drag of his lips against my overheated skin.

I cursed low under my breath. “You want to kill me.”

“Definitely not. Then I couldn’t do this.” He added licking and nibbling to his explorations but didn’t add even a little speed, if anything slowing further.

“This is the opposite of hurry.” Leaping out of my skin seemed like a real possibility. I touched every inch of him that I could reach, stroking his slim but strong shoulders and his gorgeous mop of hair.

“Don’t rush me. I’m going to have this night on replay for years. Might as well make it feature-film length.”

“I’m going to remember this too.” There was so much else I wanted to say. Words. Declarations. Promises. But my throat already burned with the effort of admitting as much as I had. This was already the best night of my life, bar none. Dancing with him had felt like climbing a big, scary mountain only to find it wasn’t as hard as I’d thought, and this part was the exhilarating rush of celebrating having conquered some of my fears.

“You’d better.” He kissed my belly again, mouth everywhere except where I wanted it most, deft fingers on their own journey down my sides, over my thighs.

“Gonna remember that you were an evil tease.” I spread my legs, trying to encourage him to do this sometime this century and preferably before I detonated from nothing more than the rasp of his breath against my skin.

“Better this way. Trust me. Last thing you want is to rush into this…” His eyes flickered. There was a story there, but now was not the moment to ask for it. Still, though, I stroked his wrist, trying to let him know that I got it and that I appreciated his care.

So I let him take his time, let him lead like I had while dancing, trusting him to take us someplace good. And he did, one stroke, one kiss at a time, until finally he reached for the lube and I nearly wept with relief.

His touches were featherlight at first, and I had to bite back a reminder that I wasn’t made of crystal. But then he got more purposeful and suddenly it was moans, not snark, that I was holding back, trying not to be louder than the music. The speakers played a song from a cheesy movie, and somehow I knew those notes were going to be imprinted on my soul right along with this moment.

“Maybe…slow…not terrible,” I panted. “More.”

“If you roll over, it might be easiest on you.” Ever considerate, Jasper stroked my side with his other hand.

“Don’t want easy. Want you.” I’d done enough on my own to know that what I truly craved was watching his face like this, seeing the way wonder and awe and arousal battled for space, sharing more than simply physical sensations.

“God, you’re so beautiful, Milo. Can’t believe how lucky I am.”

I’d been a lot of things in my life. I wasn’t sure beautiful was one of them, but in that moment I believed him. “Now. Now. Please. Want it.”

“Well, since you asked nicely…” Jasper’s hands were shaking again as he reached for the condom box. The evidence of how deeply he cared, how much he wanted to get this right for me, made my chest tight. I didn’t deserve him, but I also wasn’t going to push away the incredible gift of his affection.

“Do it. Please,” I demanded, forcing a lighter tone so that I didn’t drown in all the emotions that surged every time he looked at me like that, like I was precious. Like I was worth something. Special. His.

“Your wish is my command.” Laughing, even as his eyes stayed serious, he positioned himself. More of that caution and restraint from him, a careful press forward. And maybe all that buildup had been necessary because this was a little different than fooling around on my own. Okay. A lot different. I had to suck in a breath, try to will my body to relax.

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