Fractured (Lucian & Lia 2) - Page 20

“Why can’t I just leave now?” she pleads. “The police aren’t going to believe me.”

I shake my head in wonder. “Still the same selfish bitch to the bitter end, aren’t you? Just when I think you can’t possibly fall further in my eyes, you manage to prove me wrong. I’ve known the worst scum of the Earth, and yet somehow you make them look like pillars of the community. You really would not lift one hand willingly to help your daughter, would you?” For a moment, I think I see a small flicker of shame flit across her face, but it’s gone so fast I’m not sure if it was ever there. Still holding her face, I carefully enunciate each word. “YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR WHAT THE POLICE MAY DO TO YOU WILL PALE IN COMPARISION TO WHAT I’M CAPABLE OF.” I give her a moment for my words to sink in before shaking her chin and asking, “Now, have I been completely clear with you?”

“Yes,” she whispers as what looks like the first genuine tear she’s shed since I’ve been here slips down her cheek. I drop my hold on her, feeling the need to wash my hands.

I take out my phone, calling Peter and arranging for him to come immediately. While we’re waiting for him, I take a chair from the kitchen and sit next to where she is now lying on the floor, slumped with defeat. Looking at my watch, I’m irritated to realize that so much of my afternoon has been wasted here dealing with someone I’ve come to loathe almost overnight. “Now, Maria, I need to know one last thing. Where is your husband?” The smile I give her seems to chill her to her very bones.

Chapter Seven


I’ve been home from the hospital for a week now, and it’s been chock-full of surprises. On my second day, we were notified my mother had turned herself in to the police for lying under oath, child abuse, and child endangerment. She could also be charged as an accessory in my attack if it’s proven she had knowledge of it. I am still in shock over the whole thing. What could have possibly brought about this sudden change of heart? Actually, the heart has nothing to do with it, because she doesn’t have one; she never has.

Detective Michaels had dropped by to tell us the news in person. After she was gone, Lucian had pulled me into his arms and held me as if I were made of spun glass. He’s been so restless and edgy since we returned home from the hospital that I was hopeful the news of my mother’s confession would bring him some relief. Lucian is a man almost constantly in motion, and I’m afraid this inactivity is starting to get to him. I’ve tried to talk him into returning to his office, at least for a half of a day. His new habit of pacing is beginning to drive me crazy.

He is in his office on a conference call when the doorbell sounds. Rose told me earlier that she was stopping by today, so I assume it’s her. A quick look through the peephole confirms it. I unlock the door, swinging it open to smile at my best friend. “Oh, my God,” she squeals as she pulls me into her arms. “You look so much better, chick! I mean, not that you looked bad before…” We both look at each other before bursting into laughter. “Yeah, you looked like Hell warmed over.”

I pull the cardigan I’m wearing over my T-shirt and yoga pants closer around my body and motion her to the leather couch in the living room. The bruises on my face have started to fade some and now are more of a molten purple color than black. My face is freshly scrubbed and devoid of makeup and my hair is up and tied with one of the ponytail holders Lucian bought for me. I think he was secretly afraid I would use more of his designer underwear to make my own. After we’re settled side-by-side with our feet tucked under us, I say, “It’s so good to see you. I’m sorry I missed you the last time you were here. Lucian was determined that I sleep around the clock for the first few days after being released from the hospital.” I don’t add that I really haven’t wanted to see anyone. Here in this apartment, staring at the walls, I don’t have to pretend to be okay. Well…maybe when Lucian is with me, but even then, I don’t put a lot of effort into it. I just need time to deal with what happened to me in my own way, away from prying eyes that see too much.

“That’s okay; I got to stare at your hot boyfriend for a few minutes at least,” she jokes. Then she adds, “At least he’s not a complete cheating asshole like mine.”

My mouth drops open at her statement. Is she talking about Jake? I look at her carefully, thinking maybe she’s joking, but by the way she’s twisting her hands together, I don’t think she is. “Rose, what’s going on?” She lays her head back wearily against the couch.

“I shouldn’t have said that. The last thing you need is to hear about my problems. Just forget I mentioned it.”

I’m already shaking my head before she finishes speaking. “Oh, no, you don’t. You can’t drop something like that on me and then clam up. And trust me; I’d rather focus on anything other than myself right now, so spill.”

She groans loudly before turning to look at me. “Jake’s been cheating on me. I started suspecting something a few weeks ago when things just didn’t add up. Suddenly he would forget to call me or show up late for our dates. He was going off the grid for long stretches of time with no real explanation for where he’d been. Then there was the perfume I smelled on him, and when I asked him about it, he actually had the nerve to get angry with me for questioning him. So…I followed him one night when he said he was studying with the guys. He went to a house I didn’t know and locked lips with some skank right in the doorway.”

“NO!” I interrupt, unable to contain my amazement. Oh, my God, Jake cheating on Rose? They were like a super-couple. Together forever and sure to marry in the near future. They always seemed perfect for each other. They were one of the few things in my life I thought of as a constant. “Oh, Rose, surely there is some explanation. Maybe she’s just a friend.”

“Hmph, you don’t stick your tongue all over a friend’s tonsils while grabbing her ass.”

“Wow,” I say, still shocked. “I can’t believe that. Did you confront him?”

Fidgeting in her seat, she smirked, “Well, kinda…”

“Uh-oh.” I know that look well. Rose has done something evil; I can always tell.

“I might have waited until they went in her house and took out my heartache on his car…and possibly got arrested.”

She tagged the last part on so fast I almost missed it. “Wait, what?” I ask as my mouth falls open. Rose, smut-mouthed but law-abiding Rose.

Tags: Sydney Landon Lucian & Lia Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024