Heartbreak You (Heartbreak Duet 2) - Page 29

“Thank you,” I force out along with an obliging smile.

“Lucy came to see you recently… what did she want?” he asks.

I look at the keys that I know are for this office, as he bounces them up and down in his hand.

“She wants you, but my guess is, you’re well aware of that.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“That she can have you.” I smile, but it’s more like a smirk.

Atlas steps closer, the keys continuing to bounce in his hand like they’re on a trampoline.

“Am I yours to giveaway?”

I balk at his words. “No, of course not.”

“So, our time together… that meant nothing to you?”

“It’s in the past,” I tell him. “We have both moved on. We aren’t meant to work, and it’s best we go our separate ways.”

“Separate ways,” he mumbles my words back to me. “I prefer to go your way. What do you say, Theadora? How about I throw you over my shoulder for old times’ sake and make you remember all the good times we had, and those I can make you have in the future?” He steps closer, the keys still bouncing as he watches me carefully. If he takes one more step, he will be touching me he’s that close.

Atlas Hyde sure does things to my body I didn’t even know were possible. He’s made me feel things, and it isn’t just my body he has an effect on. No, it’s every fiber of my being.

Granted, he’s the best fuck I’ve ever had, but he was also starting to become way more than that to me.

“I can see you’re thinking about it.”

“I’m thinking of the best way to tell you to fuck off nicely, so you will leave and give me those keys you seem to be holding onto so tightly.” I nod at them now in his closed fist.

“With one click of that lock, I could have my head between your legs.” Atlas smirks.

“Benji is dead because of me… isn’t that what you said?”

Atlas’s eyes glass, something passes over them as he opens his hand, the keys now visible.

“This is your fault,” I echo his words back to him.

“I didn’t mean those words. I have come to realize you were right. It’s not your fault.”

“You should have realized that to begin with,” I reply. “Now, it’s too late. I was willing to give you a chance, but now, now I see you for who you really are, and I don’t want to take a chance on someone who could flip that fast on me again. So no, Atlas, you cannot go between my legs because you’re not welcome there. Now, please leave.”

Atlas reaches out, and I flinch. His brows pinch together like he didn’t expect that reaction from me, and then he drops the keys into my hand. When he does, he reaches up and brushes a stray piece of hair away from my face and behind my ear. “A love so cold and broken isn’t meant to last, it’s meant to destroy,” he says, and my breath hitches. He leans down, his mouth near my ear. “I like to destroy pretty things, and you, my dear, are the prettiest thing ever.”

His words send a shiver through my body.

Not just for the last part that he whispered but from those first words.


Is that what we had?

I don’t think we were quite there, but we were close. We could have fallen deeply in love. Of this, I have no doubt. But our road took us in different directions, and it didn’t lead me back to him. Instead, it swerved and hit a fucking tree.

I reach up and touch his face. He’s shocked by my action, but doesn’t pull away as I run my thumb over his lips and wish like hell I could kiss them. But that would be wrong, and falling back down that dark, drunk on him road will not end well, especially for me.

“Goodbye, Atlas.” I drop my hand standing and step back.

He closes his eyes for a split second, and I see the pain etched in the lines on his face then he shakes his head. “The paperwork is on the desk. It’s all yours.” Atlas looks at the keys in my hand and walks out. After he leaves, I manage to release a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding and the anxiety along with it.

“That was your boyfriend, right?” Marissa asks. “I heard he gave this to you for some ridiculous price. Girl, you must have some sort of magical pussy.” Marissa laughs.

I don’t.

Her laughter quickly dies on her lips.

“Should we do an announcement now it’s done?” She looks at me. “It is done now, right?”

“It’s done,” I manage to say.

I just don’t know what I am referring to.

The day is chaotic, literally. Everything has changed, and nothing’s in order. How they are managing to send out any damn orders is beyond me. Most are late, some are on backorder, and there are so many complaints I don’t know where to start. It’s as if everyone who works here stopped caring. I stay back most of the night after everyone is gone. I can’t let this place down now it’s mine. I plan to make this company amazing. Customer service will be our top priority, our number one concern.

Tags: T.L. Smith Heartbreak Duet Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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