Hate Sober (Love Me Duet 2) - Page 27

I turn to face her and see a confused look on her face. “He’s going to sleep with her,” I say, closing my eyes now, the pain radiating through my body.

“And that makes you upset?” she asks, and I nod. “Okay, I got you. We kind of want him back, but we also hate him? Correct?”

I smile at her words. “You get me.”

“I get you.” She wraps me in her arms and rubs my back. “He’s still in my bad books, just so you know.”

“He’s in mine, too.”

“But you love him.” She pulls back and I don’t answer. “It’s written all over your face, and that’s okay. You’ve been without him for what? Three… four months now? It’s going to take time for your heart to heal and move on.”

I walk and sit on her sofa, tucking my legs under me. “I was trying,” I say, referring to Buck.

“Maybe it was too soon. I know Buck likes you.” She nudges me with a smile. “He doesn’t stop asking me about you.”

“He’s nice.”

“Oh…” I look up to her. “Only nice. Shit! You do have it bad. Buck’s mighty fine, girl.”

“He is.” Just as I agree with her, the door opens and in walks Ryan and Buck. They stop and smile when they see me sitting on the small sofa in May’s room.

I was harping on about me and I forgot to ask her about them.

“Everly,” Buck says my name and I don’t feel the same way as when a certain someone else says it. It’s friendly when Buck says it, but it’s intoxicating with a hint of mystery when Gunner says it. I stand at the same time May does. She walks over and kisses Ryan as Buck stands at the door. I offer him a small wave.

“Hey.” I’m not sure what else to say. I didn’t expect to see him today.

“I heard you two went on a date?” I turn my head to Ryan who’s smiling as he looks between us.


“No, I told you. Not a date,” Buck interjects.

“Ohh…” May smiles at me and I turn back to grab my purse.

“I should get going. I have so many emails I need to get to.” May nods, knowing I’m just trying to escape. As I pass Buck he speaks, “Let me walk you out.”

“You don’t have to.”

“It’s no issue.” He walks me out to my car and stops when we reach it. “Are you okay?” he asks.

I’m not okay, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Yep, just tired.”

“I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, right?”

“Lunch. Yep. Haven’t forgotten.” I turn, opening my car door, and his hand touches my arm. I turn to face him.

“I don’t know you very well, but I can tell something’s off. We can cancel if you need the time.” There he goes again, being all sweet and shit.

“Thanks, but I think you may be a welcome distraction.” I offer him the best smile I can muster right now as I slide in my car.

He doesn’t stop me, simply stands and waits until I drive away.



I cancel. I don’t want to, but I do. I can’t go forward with lunch. Gunner’s constantly on my mind. Even when I think I can move on, now it’s almost impossible. He plays with my mind and for some stupid reason I let him.

When I finally go back to work on Monday, the first thing I see standing at the door, waiting for me to open, is a man. He’s dressed in a red shirt and he holds a large vase of flowers. He sees me and smiles as I approach him.

“Mrs. Reid.”

I haven’t been called that for quite some time.


“A delivery for you.” He passes me the flowers and walks off. Taking them inside with me, I put them on my desk in my office and stare at them. They have to be from him. Only he calls me that. Who else would? And why? Is this all a big game to him?

Reaching for the card, I take a nervous seat, my foot bouncing as I sit. The card sits in my hand and I wonder if I should open it or just leave it be. I mean, the flowers could be from Buck. He’s sweet after all. Yep. They’re more than likely from him.

Sighing, I stop my leg from bouncing and open it. When I read the first line, my heart beats hard, so damn hard it drums in my ears and that’s all I can hear.

* * *


I’m eagerly waiting for those papers. This is our last goodbye.

Please send them to my office without you accompanying them.

I do not wish to see you again.

Goodbye, Everly.

* * *

What the fuck!

What the ever-loving fuck?

How can he say that?

My legs are shaky and I can’t stand. This is it. I mean it was over before, but now it’s definitely over. No takebacks. I’m not sure what to do or even say. My eyes move to my cell and I contemplate calling him, telling him what he’s doing is a mistake. That he should give me time, all I need is time, but that’s wrong as well.

Tags: T.L. Smith Love Me Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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