Playette - Page 59

I realized it when I tied her to my father’s bed, I didn’t want to kill her.

Killing an enemy is easy, that is, unless it’s her.

She’s impossible to kill.



I lay next to him as he softly snores, watching him. I can’t sleep, even though I’m dog tired. I’m too afraid of what tomorrow will bring, and what comes with it.

“Go to sleep.” His hand comes over mine, softly holding it, and then he drifts back into a soft snore. Closing my eyes, I feel like I’m almost asleep, that is until a loud bang is heard on the door. When I open my eyes Jasper’s already up and walking toward the door. The sun is up. I must have slept and not realized it.

“The uncle is here. The asshole is armed and requesting Isadora.”

“Why is he still breathing?” Jasper asks harshly while pulling on a shirt.

Carter looks to me then to Jasper.

“He has her friend, the one with the kid.”

“Oh fuck, no.” I jump from the bed not even caring that I’m naked as I reach for the nearest shirt, putting it on without realizing it’s Jasper’s. Pulling on my skirt, I push past them and run to the mansion where I see Ace standing, holding a gun, pointing it out the door.

“Pink, it’s best you don’t walk out,” he says as I step closer to him.

When I finally get to see, I notice Sharon with a bloody nose, her head hanging low as my uncle holds onto her tightly around the back of her neck with a gun pressed against her rib cage.

I gasp loudly.

Sharon looks up at me, her eyes going wide when she sees me.

“I’m so sorry,” I say. She doesn’t reply and it’s probably best she doesn’t.

“You’re wearing his shirt. What the fuck is wrong with you?” He spits on the ground. I can clearly see the anger clouding his eyes now.

How did I not see this before?

Was I so blind to it all?

“Let her go.” I step forward, but a hand wraps around my waist, pulling me back.

Jasper breathes next to my ear in a whisper, “Don’t you dare go any closer to him. Do you understand?” I nod my head at his words.

“Look at you, letting him touch you. Killing everything your mother and father worked for just by being with him.”

“You did that, you asshole,” I scream. “You wanted their business, it was a bakery. You can’t cook. What is wrong with you?” My hands are clenched at my side now.

Poor Sharon cries as Max digs his fingers harder into her neck.

“You ungrateful little bitch. That business was huge. It made a shit ton of money, it was the biggest in this city,” he breathes, then looks to Sharon, then back to me, “I paid for you to be the best. You’re amazing at what you do, and yet you still fell into this asshole’s trap.”

“Yeah, I did. Yours. And then I woke up.”

My uncle gets mad, pressing the gun to Sharon’s temple now, digging in hard while he stares at me.

“I can still make you hate your life. I’ve already taken what I needed. I have no qualms with taking everything you care about.” He clicks the safety, and Sharon’s eyes look up, she’s pleading with me and there’s tears running down her beautiful cheeks.

“She’s here,” I say out of desperation. It’s not my place to say this, but it’s the only card I can think of to play to get Sharon away from him right now.

Jasper freezes next to me.

“She’s here,” I say again.

“Who’s here?”


“You’re lying.” He presses harder and I can see he’s pulling back on the trigger.

“I’m not. Jasper never killed her. He locked her up instead. She’s here.”

My uncle’s eyes fall to Jasper for confirmation. I can see the confusion and utter desperation written in his eyes. “You kept her alive?” he asks in disbelief.

“Yes,” Jasper says through gritted teeth, his fists clenched to his side. I don’t care about his anger right now, knowing this information could save Sharon’s life.

“You’re fucking lying,” he screeches.

I turn around reaching for the key I know is on Jasper’s body, and dangle it in the air.

“Do you want to see her?”

“You’ll kill me the minute I let this one go.”

“Take me then. Let her go, and I’ll step into her place.”

Jasper reaches for me, but I’m already heading off.

“Let her go, uncle.” Uncle Max reaches for me, at the same time he lets Sharon go, and looks at me as he grips my arm so tightly I know it will bruise.

“You should have stayed in your own lane.” My uncle then turns the gun to the side of my head and shoots once. Spinning around I watch as Sharon drops to the ground, her eyes open, as the bullet pierces her brain.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024