Feels Like Home (Southern Bride 5) - Page 78

“Thanks, me too.”

His voice no longer had any trace of humor in it.

“Anson, it’s all going to work out.”

With a sigh, he replied, “I feel like things are going so well, ya know? With you and me working things out, and the fact that I’m slowly starting to win over some folks in town. I really want to work it out with my dad.”

I smiled. “I’m not so sure Mrs. Kott is ready to forgive you.”

Our fifth-grade teacher—and a friend of Ida’s—was not so easily swayed by Anson’s charm. When he saw her in High’s Café the other day, she told him he needed someone to put him over their knee and spank him. Anson always did say I was Mrs. Kott’s favorite student.

“Lord, that woman. She’s still pissed because I lost the class pet.”

“Don’t you mean…stole the class pet?”

“I really wanted a hamster!”

With a roll of my eyes, I chuckled. “Call me after your ride with Carl.”

“Will do. Love you.”

“I love you, too.”

My goodness, it felt so good to utter those words again.

After hanging up, I made my way to the kitchen to check on things, before heading back out into the tea room. The group of women from San Antonio had just left, and Mindy was clearing the table.

“Boy howdy, if I had an ounce of the energy that those girls had, I’d be flying high.”

I chuckled. “They were fans of Anson’s, just here checking out the town.”

“Oh, believe me, I heard.”

There was only one table with two people sitting at it. They weren’t locals, which wasn’t unusual. Folks who were visiting Comfort often stopped by for tea and treats. Tuesdays were typically a slow day for us, and we didn’t have any afternoon teas scheduled at all. It was the perfect time to try a new recipe.

“I think I’m going to try and make…”

Mindy looked at me, a hopeful look on her face as she blurted out, “The Eccles cakes? Please tell me that’s what you’re going to try. With a flaky pastry. It has to be flaky!”

I laughed. “You are correct.”

She nearly swooned at the idea. Food had become one of Mindy’s love affairs. Especially anything that had the word pastry in it.

Two hours later, I stood over my Eccles cakes.

“When can I eat it?” Mindy asked.

Picking one up, I handed it to her. “Now.”

She nearly snatched it out of my hands.

Mindy took a bite and then moaned in delight. “The buttery, flaky pastry…it hits you first!” she said as she took another bite and chewed. “The fruit filling is so rich and citrusy. I love it!”

The urge to jump around like a fool hit me as I watched her eat another cake.

“Woman! Save some for my Instagram photos!”

She rolled her eyes.

After I searched for the perfect plate, I arranged the cakes that Mindy hadn’t eaten and walked out into the tea room. I must have moved them a dozen times before I settled on the perfect spot for pictures. Outside on one of the tables with the Farmhouse Tea sign in the background.

“How many pictures are you going to take, Bri?! I want another one!” Mindy called out.

Laughing, I snapped another picture and looked at it.

“That was the last one. Have at it.”

Mindy reached for another cake and nearly shoved the whole thing in her mouth. “Save some for Anson and Drake!” I stated as I turned toward the sound of a car pulling up.

I smiled when I saw a young couple get out of the car.

“Bristol? Bristol Overmann?”

My guard instantly went up. Mindy grabbed the plate and held them close to her, fearful of anyone taking her currant cakes. “I’m going to take these inside and package them up.”

With a nod, I focused back on the couple.

“May I ask who you are?”

The girl blushed with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry. I’m Lanny Ross, and this is my husband, Brad. I’m Anson’s assistant.”

“Oh my gosh, yes! It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said as I reached out and shook her hand and then Brad’s. “Come on inside, we’re closed, but let me make you a cup of tea.”

Lanny’s smile was so sweet as she gave me a quick nod, then they followed me into the tea room.

“Mindy, this is Anson’s assistant, Lanny, and her husband, Brad.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Mindy said.

“Would y’all like a cup of tea? Maybe a pastry?”

“Thank you, tea would be lovely,” Lanny said. “Any kind will do.”

“I’ll get it.” Mindy looked over at Brad.

“Anything is fine with me too,” he said, “thank you.”

I motioned over toward a table. “Sit down, please.”

Lanny and her husband both took a seat, as did I.

“Bristol, I’ve been trying to get in touch with Anson for almost two hours. So has his manager, Robert.”

My smile faded. “He’s on his family ranch. I know he went for a ride with his father. He probably left his phone so they wouldn’t be interrupted.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Southern Bride Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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