Cain ( Underworld Mafia Romance 1) - Page 42

Bart shrugs. “Well, she went through a rough patch for a while, you know, after… after Antonio died.”

Right. She was in love with Antonio.

I shouldn’t have asked.

“But she’s back on her feet. She’s a lawyer now, just like me. I think she’ll be an even better lawyer than I am.”

I can believe that. Jodie is about the feistiest women I’ve ever met. She could handle the twins with ease at the age when they could barely be handled.

Well, the feistiest woman I knew until I met Allie.

“So yeah, she’s doing fine. I’m so proud of her.”

That’s obvious in the smile that lights up not just his eyes but his whole face.

“What about you?” He squeezes my arm. “How has retirement been keeping you busy?”


“I was so surprised, you know, when Orso told me you’d retired. I mean you were just, what? Twenty-two?”


“But I guess it depends on the job, really, and I suppose yours is tougher, more demanding, more dangerous than most, so I don’t blame you. Also, Antonio’s death must have been hard for you.”

I wish he’d stop bringing up Antonio.

He pats my arms. “So what have you been doing? I can’t imagine you playing golf or just sitting on a couch. Plus you can’t have been sitting on a couch with a body like that. So what’s it been? Flying? Rowing? Building stuff?”

“Pretty much,” I answer.

I did build my cabin, and sometimes I do go fishing on the lake. Plus, lately, I’ve been doing a fair amount of flying.

Bart grins. “Well, anyway, I’m glad to see you.”

I nod. “What about you? What are you doing here?”

I can think of a number of reasons why, none of them good.

He holds up his briefcase. “Just making sure Orso’s got his will right.”

Just as I thought, not good.

“I have to tell you, it’s the hardest thing I’ve done for him, and mind you, I’ve done a lot of hard things for him.” Bart sighs. “If only there was something I could do to make him better. I kept telling him to quit smoking, you know.”

“I know.”

“I’d give him one of my lungs if I could. Hell, I’d give him both.”

I know that, too.

“Anyway, we just have to do what we can for him for as long as he’s around,” Bart says. “You go see him. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

I nod. “Thanks. Take care.”

He nods and goes on his way. I straighten my jacket and approach the door to Orso’s room. Pietro, who’s standing by the door, gives me a nod.

I enter the room. Orso is the same as when I last saw him, on the bed, thin, pale, and hooked to a ventilator and a heart monitor. There’s a nurse checking on both machines, carefully watched by Andrea, who takes his eyes off her just for a second to acknowledge my presence with a nod. Another nurse is checking his IV.

I can’t help but think that if Antonio were here, he’d be taking care of his father.

I frown. Why did Bart have to talk about Antonio so much?

“Cain,” Orso says my name weakly when he sees me.

Is it possible he’s grown weaker since I last saw him?

He raises a hand and Andrea leaves with the nurses through the side door. After it closes, I approach Orso’s bed.

“How are you feeling?” I ask him.

“Terribile,” Orso answers. “But I’m not going anywhere yet, so don’t stand there like I’m on my deathbed. Sit.”

I guess he still has the strength to give orders.

I pull up a stool and sit.

Orso draws a breath. “So, Andrea tells me this Agent Chandler is a woman.”

“Yes,” I answer.

He narrows his eyes at me. “You sure?”


Especially after last night.

He grins. “I wish I could have seen your reaction when you found out. I can only imagine how surprised you were.”

“More confused, really.”

“I’d laugh if my throat didn’t hurt so much.” He touches his throat.

“It’s fine,” I tell him. “Andrea laughed enough for everyone, believe me.”

“I’m sure he did,” Orso says. His grin vanishes. “How does she look?”

“Agent Chandler? Brunette. Short hair. Blue eyes. Just a little darker than yours.”

“So she looks good?” Orso arches an eyebrow at me.

I’m not sure why he’s asking. Does he think that makes a difference? Does he think I’m making any decisions based on how she looks? That I’d betray him for her because she’s beautiful?

“Yes,” I say truthfully. “But…”

“What’s she like?” Orso asks next.

Another confusing question. I feel like a high school kid whose parents are quizzing him about the girl he just asked to prom. Did Andrea put him up to this?

“Brave,” I answer. “Resilient.”

Especially after she told me that bit about her being kidnapped. Not everyone can bounce back from experiencing violence at such a young age, much less grow up to become an FBI agent. The fact that she still has nightmares and yet is still going on is admirable.

Tags: Ashlee Price Underworld Mafia Romance Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024