Cain ( Underworld Mafia Romance 1) - Page 77

Then suddenly, in the darkness, I see a face. It smiles and I start to feel warm.


I open my eyes. Right. The last time I had a nightmare, he was there. The last time I was locked up in a room, he was there. When I thought I’d get lost in that club, he held me close. When my mother tried to break me, he held me together. He’s been there for me, helping me, giving me strength, protecting me. He tried to protect me from this, too.

I’m sure he’ll find a way to save me. In fact, he could be on his way to me right now.

The thought calms me down. My heart settles into a gentle rhythm. I draw deep breaths.

That’s it. There’s no need to be afraid. Cain will be here soon. He will take down all the bad guys and pull me into his arms and take me out of this wretched place and…

I stop and shake my head. What am I thinking? Cain saving me? I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m an FBI agent for God’s sake. I’m not a sissy. I grew up with three boys. I was raised by a strong man, by a tepid woman who tried to put me down but couldn’t. I’m not a frightened, helpless child anymore. I’m a woman now. I’m not going to wait for Cain to save me. I’m going to save myself.

Right. It’s not like I haven’t been held captive before or been in danger before. I’ll just escape by myself, like I did last time.

I glance at the window. At least it isn’t boarded. If I can just get my hands free, maybe I can…

My thoughts skid to a halt as I hear the jingle of keys. The door knob turns. In comes Sergio Bianchi. I know it’s him. I recognize him from the photo I saw of him. Now that he’s in front of me, I realize that he is indeed the man who kidnapped me. His face isn’t red anymore. In fact, it looks different altogether. Maybe he had plastic surgery? His eyes are even a different color. But I’ll never forget his hairy hands with that ruby ring on his finger. Or the stink of his cologne.

So I was on the right track, after all.

“Why, hello there.” He tips his cap. “Buongiorno.”

I remember that voice, that Italian accent.

He gives me a grin. “Remember me?”

It sends another shiver down my spine, but I square my shoulders and hold my chin up.

“I do. You’re the reason I became an FBI agent, the son of a bitch who I’m going to send straight to hell.”

I can’t let him scare me anymore.

Sergio chuckles. “Wow. You seem to have grown a tongue on you.”

Damn right. I’m not the same girl he kidnapped, the one who couldn’t speak out of fear.

“I see you’ve grown other things, too.”

His gaze turns lecherous as it goes over my body. I fight the sickening twist in my gut.

I know what he’s trying to do, what men try to do to make women feel weak. It’s not going to work. I’m not going to let him use my body against me.

He looks around. “What do you think of your accommodations? Do they suit you? I think they’re even better than last time.”

I’m not going to let him use that card, either.

“What am I doing back here?” I ask him. “Let me guess. You need money again. Why? Do you need a new face? Have you grown tired of this one?”

He gives another chuckle and touches his cheek. “Actually, I’m quite fond of this face. It’s helped me stay out of trouble.”

“Not for long,” I tell him.

“But you’re right.” Sergio sighs. “I do need money. I have money, but it never seems to be enough.”

I snort. “Well, you’re not going to get a cent out of me.”

“Really?” His grey eyebrows crease. “Because your brother has already agreed to give me two billion dollars.”

My eyes grow wide. Grae? No. He worked hard for that money. He shouldn’t have to use it on a monster.

“Your brother’s being very helpful, actually.” Sergio strokes his beard. “I think he may be an easier man to deal with than your father.”

My father?

“Do you know he’s promised that the FBI won’t butt into this? He’s keeping them out. He’s keeping everyone else out. He’ll do anything to get his little sister back in one piece.”

Unfortunately, I believe that. I’m Grae’s weakness, his pressure point, which makes me Sergio’s trump card. Unless I find a way to get to Grae’s side, safely and soon, he’s going to lose a lot of money. And Sergio is going to get away.

I can’t let that happen. I have to escape.

“Oh, I’m sorry. He’s not your brother, is he? Grae Chandler, I mean.”

My eyebrows arch. Sergio knows I’m adopted?

Tags: Ashlee Price Underworld Mafia Romance Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024