Cain ( Underworld Mafia Romance 1) - Page 83

I want to throw myself right into his arms, take off my robe and get him on the bed, but I keep myself composed.

“What’s this?” I ask him. “Trespassing again?”

He looks at me. “You didn’t answer when I knocked. I was afraid you were in danger.”

Ah. A familiar excuse.

“Don’t worry,” I tell him. “I’m going to have someone install security cameras and an alarm system tomorrow morning.”


As Cain walks towards me, I hold my breath. He stands in front of me, and as his eyes gaze into mine, I feel that breath stolen from me.

Why? So much has happened, but nothing seems to have changed.

“Are you alright?” he asks me.

“Yes,” I answer. “I go back to work on Monday.”

“I’m sorry Sergio Bianchi got away,” Cain says. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help you catch him.”

“It’s fine,” I tell him. “It was my job to catch him, and I will.”

He nods. “I know you will.”

He lifts his hand and touches my cheek. I feel the heat from his fingertips all the way to my toes.

“Your cheek looks better.”

“It is.” I move away from him and pretend to fix something on my bedside table. “What about you? How’s your rib?”

“Still broken, but the doctor said it should heal completely in two to three weeks. He told me to take things easy for a while. I told him I intend to.”

I don’t know what that means. Does that mean he’s not going to go off trying to kill anyone soon?

“But…” He puts his hands on my shoulders and whispers in my ear. “I think we can still find ways to enjoy each other.”

My heart nearly stops. Why does he have to act all sweet and seductive now?

It takes every ounce of my will to shrug him off before facing him.

“I’m sorry, Cain. I’m tired.” The words feel heavy coming out of my mouth. “If you came here just to – ”

He puts a finger on my lips. “I’m here because I need you to come with me.”

I give him a puzzled look. “What?”

“There’s someone I want you to meet.”


As soon as I enter the room, I see an old man lying on a bed hooked to both a heart monitor and a ventilator, as well as an IV bottle. I immediately know he’s my father.

I approach his bed slowly, afraid I might break him, afraid I might break. I never thought I’d see my real father, let alone see him like this.

As I stand over his bed, he opens his eyes. My chest tightens.

“This is Alessandro Ursini,” Cain introduces him. “Orso, this is…”

“Alyssa,” he says my name softly. His thin lips curve into a smile. “My daughter.”

Just like that, the thorny vines seemingly threatening to squeeze my heart vanish.

I swallow. “Hello.”

I have so many things I want to say, but right now, I can’t think of any of them.

“You look just like your mother,” he says. “I’m sorry you never got to meet her.”

I shake my head. “I’m just glad I got to meet you.”

I place my hand over his.

Strange. We’ve only just met, and yet I feel like I’ve known him all my life. Is this what it means to share the same blood?

He squeezes my hand gently. “And I’m glad you’re safe. Sergio didn’t hurt you?”

I shake my head. “No. Don’t you worry about him. I’m going to make sure he rots in jail.”

He looks at Cain. “You’re right. She has my spirit.”

Cain grins.

Alessandro looks at me. “You’ve turned out to be a beautiful woman. Then again, you were already beautiful as a little girl. I remember when I saw you. I didn’t want to show myself to you when I took you back from Sergio, but I was watching you in awe. I wanted to hug you, but I was afraid if I did, I’d never let you go. So I just slipped a cornicello in your pocket.”

My eyes grow wide. That was his?

“Why did you let me go?” I ask him curiously.

He seems to be very well-off.

“Because I wanted you to live a good and peaceful life,” he tells me. “Not one where you’re exposed to the dangers and trials of being the daughter of a mafia boss. I knew my good friend, Nick, would be able to give you that.”

Good friend? Wait. Did he say mafia boss?

“Alessandro is the head of the Ursini family,” Cain explains to me.

I’m the daughter of a mafia boss? I pull my hand away, but Alessandro grabs it.

“I know you’re an FBI agent.” Alessandro looks me in the eyes. “I’m sorry if I’m not what you hoped I’d be. If you decide you want to put me in jail, I don’t mind. I don’t mind if it’s you.”

I say nothing. I don’t know what to say. I feel very conflicted right now.

I’m an FBI agent and the daughter of a mafia boss? And the girlfriend of a professional killer? God, I’m such a joke.

Tags: Ashlee Price Underworld Mafia Romance Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024