Breaking Brandon (Fate 2) - Page 36

“Oh my God, Brandon, I can’t believe you’re taking the day off for this. You don’t have to babysit me.” She reached for her phone on her nightstand. “Okay, okay, I’ll call my family. It’s not fair to you—”

“It’s too late. You had your chance.” He held his phone up. “I’ve already made the call.”

“But you can call back and say you’ve changed your mind,” she said, scrolling through her phone.

“Nope.” He shook his head. “My superiors know me and my track record for asking for time off. I wouldn’t even think of asking for it if it was something I could just change my mind about. Tell your family to come tomorrow,” he said, sticking his phone back in its holster. “It’ll save them having to deal with the Friday commute. I got you today.”

She stopped searching her phone and looked up at him in complete astonishment. “You can’t seriously be saying you’re going to spend your entire day looking after me. I’ve already taken so much of your time.”

“Well,” he said, reaching for the paperwork on her nightstand that he recognized from last night. “I’m free all day now.” He waved the prescription at her. “I’ll go get these, and you get some sleep.” She was still staring at him so wide-eyed He almost smiled until he remembered something, and he raised an eyebrow. “Your car will be just fine at the base all weekend, and I can give you a ride in Monday. No need to call anyone to bring it.”

Relief washed over him when he saw her put her phone back down on the nightstand. She picked up her purse from the floor next to the bed and dug through it, finally pulling out a small white card. “This is my insurance card.” She let him know what pharmacy she was already registered at. He took it from her, remembering her mention of anxiety pills in the emergency room and why she’d already be registered at a local pharmacy. “Thank you,” she said softly. “This is very sweet of you.”

Clenching his jaw, he nodded and began to the door. “Get some rest. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

Hearing her say this was very sweet of him brought a bothersome thought to mind, one he’d been trying not to think of since last night. Had he already turned into one of the pathetic chumps he’d scoffed at who barely knew her and were already doing sweet things for her?

The only time off he’d ever asked for was when he found out his dad was dying and then again for his services. He hadn’t even done so for his mom’s since there’d been no services for her. The only thing he’d done with her ashes was what she’d told him she wanted him to do when they’d discussed it just weeks earlier at his father’s funeral. He’d handled that as unceremoniously as she’d requested in less than an hour on the weekend. Now he’d asked for the day to take care of a girl who, up until yesterday, he’d sworn he wouldn’t so much as acknowledge if he ever ran into her again?

He shook it off as he reached the door. He wasn’t a sap, and he’d never been easily taken by anyone. Regina didn’t strike him as the kind of girl who would do what she did last night, even if she was high on her meds, with just anyone. If he’d agreed to drop off her keys with those guys at her office, she wouldn’t be thanking them in the same way, especially not allowing them to follow up with the kind of kiss Brandon had last night. He wasn’t sure why, but he truly believed this. Brandon was no fool, and he’d be damned if any girl would make one out of him. He’d always said as much when he was against getting attached to anyone, including his brother Marines, even if he’d gladly take a bullet for them any day. Regina may not be a fellow Marine, but she was a person in need of help just the same. Taking a day off to help her out wasn’t a big deal. Her family could take over after today.


Sergeant Carter, as expected, didn’t even ask for details of his personal issues. He only asked if there was anything he could do and assured Brandon his taking the day off was not a problem.

The rest of the morning went by fairly quickly. After going back home to change into jeans and T-shirt, Brandon dropped off Regina’s prescription at the pharmacy where she was registered. Then he stopped by an auto parts’ place nearby. He went back to his place and changed the oil in his Jeep as he planned on doing this weekend anyway. By the time he was all done with that, he realized it was almost noon and he hadn’t eaten anything.

Figuring Regina would likely be waking up soon if she hadn’t already, he headed out to pick up her meds and grabbed some food on his way back to her place. He didn’t want to chance her getting up and trying to get downstairs on her own.

Her place was quiet when he walked in, and he was relieved once again that she wasn’t downstairs. It felt a little surreal that here he was making his way up to this girl’s bedroom as if he knew her well enough when he hardly knew her at all.

Halfway up the stairs, he thought he heard movement, and then he heard her voice. “Brandon? Is that you?”

Her voice still sounded strained, but his thoughts went immediately somewhere else. Who the hell else would it be? Had she called someone else while he’d been gone?

“Yeah, it’s me,” he said. “Did I wake you?” he asked as he reached the top.

She was sitting up, and the phone in her hand immediately caught his attention.

“No,” she smiled weakly, obviously still in pain. “I was starting to toss and turn about a half hour ago, so I checked my phone and noticed I had a few texts.” Her eyes were on the bags in his hands and then back on his face. “What’s all that?”

Tags: Elizabeth Reyes Fate Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024