Bound to Submit - Page 10

And then the woman he’d been tending touched his arm, and Master Griffin blinked and shook his head, his expression going a careful neutral. And leaving Kenna with no idea what he was thinking about having seen her.

He wrapped the now unbound submissive in a blanket and lifted her into his arms. With one last, scorching glance Kenna’s way, he carried the woman off the stage and out of sight.

And then all Kenna could do was wait—for what, she wasn’t yet sure.


Griffin could barely process what he’d just seen out there on the floor of the club. Or, rather, who he’d seen.

Kenna Sloane. Here. At Blasphemy.

His reaction was torn between What the hell? and the much-less-Dom-like running out there and falling at her feet.

And Jesus, she looked absolutely stunning. Maybe thinner than she used to be, but that black body suit had shown off her curves and toned muscles to utter perfection. And the blond curls falling out from under the hood had been breathtaking, making her look like she glowed.

“Are you okay?” Tara asked as he carried her to the private lounge off the side of the stage. “You look...kinda pale.”

Get your head on straight, Griffin. He forced a smile. “Perfectly fine, T. You were amazing tonight. I know those were tough positions I put you in and you held them beautifully.” He settled her on the small leather couch and sat, situating them so that he was behind her.

Smiling over her shoulder, she nodded. “No one ties me up like you do, Master Griffin. It’s so damn freeing.” She tilted her head as she accepted a water bottle from him and allowed him to massage her arms and shoulders. “Who was the woman, Sir?”

“What woman?” he asked, pressing his thumbs into her traps the way she liked.

Kenna. It was Kenna.

But since he knew absolutely nothing else—and couldn’t even guess at it, at the whys and the hows and the whats, he couldn’t begin to explain more. God, talk about feeling restless. His muscles might explode with the desire to race out there and find her, grab her, hold on to her. Forever, this time. But at this moment, he had an obligation right here. To take care of the woman who’d just gifted him with her submission.

Tara moaned and dropped her head forward while he worked. After a few minutes, she shifted toward him and tucked the blanket around herself again. “Thank you, Master Griffin. Permission to speak freely?”

Warily, he nodded. Tara paused for a moment longer. “Whoever she was, I think you should go talk to her.”

Griffin arched a brow, not ready to talk about Kenna with anyone else. Not yet. Not until he had a better handle on the situation himself.

“And now I’m done interfering.” With a smile, she kissed him on the cheek. “I hope you have a good night.”

“You too.” He watched her leave and debated what to do. What is there to debate? Go fucking get Kenna.

The thought had him off his feet and making his way out into the main part of the club. Music played. People talked and laughed. Moans and cries sounded out. But Griffin barely heard any of it. Because all he could focus on was the tall blond in shiny, skin-tight black standing in the same spot where she’d been.

She hadn’t moved. Hadn’t changed positions. She was just waiting. For him.

Their gazes collided across the space, like she’d been searching for him, too, and then she bowed her head, the hood covering her face. Which, after five years, was unfuckingacceptable.

By the time he stood in front of Kenna, Griffin’s heart was pounding inside his rib cage. Tall as she was, he had a good five inches on her, and for a moment, he stared her down just to see if she’d hold the submissive posturing.

She did.

It shot blood directly to his cock and had his skin going hot, but he also couldn’t stand it for another second.

“Look at me.”

Her head tilted back until she was nailing him with those slate gray eyes, eyes that had haunted his dreams so frequently that he was half sure he was looking at a ghost. Which probably explained why he lifted his hand and caressed her face. He had to touch her softness and feel her warmth to prove to himself that Kenna was really there. In front of him. After all this time.

Tags: Laura Kaye Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024