Back Against the Wall - Page 85

She needed to become independent again and found she liked Ashley even better for helping her find ways.

Of course, while they were at the mall, they checked out cribs and baby bedding and clothes.

“Once I know whether we’re having a boy or a girl, I think I will go through the clothes Matt says your mother packed away,” Ashley said. “Unless that would bother you?”

“Heavens, no!” Feeling a pang, Beth set down a soft sleeper with a puffy lamb on the chest. She didn’t necessarily want to have a baby right now, but she did want children. “You’ll find more that’s useful if you’re having a boy, though. Between us, Emily and I put a lot of wear and tear on the girl’s stuff.”

“True,” Ashley said cheerfully, “but Matt and I are talking about me taking at least a year off work, so we’ll have to be careful with our money.”

She had an ultrasound scheduled in two weeks. “Matt wasn’t sure whether he wanted to know the gender,” she told Beth, “but I overcame all resistance. I don’t plan to do all blue or pink, anyway, but knowing will help when we paint the spare bedroom and buy stuff.”

“For everyone who comes to your baby showers, too,” Beth said. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, I intend to put one on.”

Ashley hugged her. “Thank you. I think one of the teachers will, too.”

When they got back, Matt eyed them. “You look like you had too much fun.”

“Baby clothes are so cute!” his wife said, rising on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. “And Beth says she’s going to have a baby shower for us.”

Matt hugged Beth and whispered, “Thank you.”

One-armed, she hugged him back.

They had such a good day, she was almost sorry when Tony arrived to pick her up.

He had obviously showered at home, since his hair was damp and his clothes both clean and unfamiliar to her. He and Matt nodded at each other cautiously. Beth introduced him to Ashley, who looked intrigued and mouthed Call when he wasn’t looking.

Tony raised his eyebrows at the shopping bags full of her new purchases but carried them out to his truck without comment. He suggested stopping to pick up a pizza and, once they agreed on what they wanted, she phoned in the order.

At home, while they sat at the table making inroads into the pizza, she chattered about the shopping expedition and Ashley’s intention to go through the baby clothes in her father’s garage.

“It would make Mom happy to know she hadn’t saved them for all these years in vain,” she said lightly.

He smiled. “At least styles won’t have changed much. How much can you do to one of those fuzzy things with feet or miniature overalls?”

The next time a silence fell, she said, “I’m so glad Ashley suggested the front-closing bras. I should have thought of it. It’ll make getting dressed so much easier.”

“I’m happy to help,” he said mildly. “In fact, I might miss groping your breasts every morning.”

Beth laughed. “Is that what you were doing?”

His own smile spread. “I was more subtle than that.”

Given that she hadn’t even needed a nap today, she said, “You know, I’m feeling a whole lot better.”

His gaze lowered to her mouth, her breasts, before traveling slowly back up. Voice a little rough, he said, “Are you, now?”

“Although… I’m not the sexiest thing going with this in the way.” She lifted her injured arm slightly. Supported by a sling, the cast extended from her upper arm down to her hand, the intent to prevent her from doing more than wiggle her fingers.

This smile was wickedly sexy. “Oh, I think we can work our way around it.”


“If you mean it.”

She bobbed her head.

“Then I think I’ve had enough to eat,” he said. “What about you?”

The glint in his eyes had warmth flooding outward from her core. “I might even want to go to bed early.”

“I could go for that,” he agreed huskily, standing up.

Tony did put the uneaten pizza in the oven before he gathered her into his arms. The relief she felt, resting against him, was almost as powerful as her response to the soft kisses he pressed to her temple, her forehead, her cheekbone—and, at last, her mouth.

Tags: Janice Kay Johnson Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024