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Center Mass (Code 11-KPD SWAT 1)

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“Shit,” an all too familiar voice said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you.”

“I got the perp,” another voice said, then I heard the sound of a body being dragged across the grass.

“It’s okay,” I wheezed. “But it’d be awesome if you could stop shining that light in my eyes.”

The light was removed from my eyes quickly, then placed on the ground by our bodies. The body, however, didn’t waver.

Luke still straddled me, but my arms that had been pinned above my head were now free, and I’d moved them to rest on his powerfully muscled thighs.

His eyes were on my chest. My wet chest. My exposed, wet chest.

I gasped and covered my exposed breast, accidentally brushing across a large erection with my hand in the process.

The hissing happened again, and suddenly I was free.

Pulling my tankini over to cover my boob, I stood without the aid of the hand he offered me, and looked around in dumfounded silence.

“What the hell?” I asked again.

“Sorry. We had a couple of tweakers get pulled over when they tried to make a drug deal about two miles down the road. We got a tip that they came to the house two doors down from you. They were in the process of leaving when we showed. I didn’t think he’d run. You were lucky he didn’t hurt you,” Luke mumbled, not bothering to hide the adjustment of his cock with his hand.

I blushed and turned, walking to the patio and grabbing my towel.

I thought I heard a sigh when I covered up with it, but I could’ve been mistaken.

“That’s okay, really it is. You just scared me is all,” I said as I walked into the house.

I needed to check on Rowen after all the commotion that had just happened.

Luke followed me, not asking if he could come in. Just taking the initiative and walking in without the invitation.

“Nice place,” he said, looking around.

I nodded. “I thought so. Although, I didn’t buy it. I’m renting it for the time being to see if I like the place.”

He nodded, stopping in the kitchen when I continued down the hallway. “I’ll be back in a few.”

Rowen was sound asleep when I went to check on her.

The girl could sleep through just about anything. Unless it was the silence of the power going out. Then she was wide-awake.

I made a pit stop in my room for a pair of sweat pants and a tank top, feeling lucky that I’d just washed my clothes. Otherwise I would’ve been wearing ones that were a little more tight and shabby looking.

I’d been wearing much the same clothes since I’d graduated college, refusing to buy more because I’d gained a size and I knew it.

I hated going shopping when I knew I no longer fit into what used to be pre-Rowen clothes.

I found Luke at my front door, letting Downy and a blonde man in that I’d never seen before.

Shaking my head, I padded into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee.

The smell of the brew brought them into the kitchen, and I smiled at Downy before looking at the blonde curiously.

He was tall like Luke, but leaner. Almost as if he ran a lot, keeping his muscles slim and trimmed compared to Luke’s sheer brutishness.

This new guy was more the type I seemed to lean toward in my dating history, but the man had nothing on Luke.

My eyes strayed towards Luke’s lower body.

He was wearing black tactical pants with a big belt around his waist.

The belt held his gun, a pair of shiny, silver handcuffs, a baton, flashlight, radio, pepper spray, and a few other things that I was insanely curious about.

I’d have to ask him sometime what they were. Maybe when I could get my mind off the fact that he still had an erection.

That seemed to be growing.

My eyes bugged out and shot up to his face.

He was staring at me intently, watching me check him out.

Face flaming, I busied myself taking out coffee cups, wondering how my Friday night had turned from relaxing to entertaining three police officers.

“Reese,” Luke said, calling my attention back to him. “This is James Allen. He’s another officer with the KPD and a member of the SWAT team.”

My eyes moved from Luke to the new man, James, and I smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

He nodded. “You took that hit like a champ. I’ve been on the receiving end of one of those during training. I’m surprised you can still breathe.”

I giggled. “Me and my sister used to fight like that all the time. I can’t say that I’m used to somebody Luke’s size taking me down, but at least I knew how to fall, right? It was definitely a humbling experience. He was just telling me the other day that I’d never know what was out there, and I should be more observant.”

Luke chuckled at my expense, and I stuck my tongue out at him, which only caused him to outright laugh this time. Which elicited raised brows from his fellow officers.

He laughed until I thrust a cup of black coffee in his direction, and I watched the column of Luke’s neck work as he took a careful sip.

Why was his jaw so sexy and appealing to me?

Then I got a load of the coffee cup I’d given him, and I wanted to burst into laughter.

It was my favorite, and surprisingly, I’d gotten it from my sister for Christmas.

It was plain and simple.

White ceramic with black lettering declaring, ‘I like to fuck,’ in bold, black letters.

I wondered, secretly, if that was true.

He was a very attractive man, and I bet he was a beast in the bedroom.

That’s about when the other two started to pay attention to the cup.

But before they could start teasing him about it, the silence was breached by their radios.

All three of theirs went off at once, causing them all to move fast.

“Gotta go, Reese. Thanks for the coffee.” He said before rushing out the door just as quickly as he’d arrived.

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